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The Incredible Years are research-based, proven effective programs for reducing children's aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and at school.

About the Incredible Years Programs

Our award-winning parent training, teacher training, and child social skills training approaches have been selected by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as an "exemplary" best practice program and as a "Blueprints" program.

The program was selected as a "Model" program by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). As such, the series has been subject to numerous randomized control evaluations, evidenced excellent effectiveness, and attained high overall ratings. The program has been recommended by the American Psychological Division 12 Task force as a well-established treatment for children with conduct problems. Read more about Carolyn (PDF)

Mission & Organizational Statement

We act on the belief – that a child is the most precious of all human beings, and the ability to withstand the emotional and social challenges as a teenager, clearly rests upon a caring relationship between parent, teacher and child.

Read the full organizational and mission statement

NEW! Digital Brochure

Please see our new color brochure for an overview of the most up-to-date information on our programs

The Incredible Years Series Goals

The Incredible Years Parents, Teachers, and Children Training Series has two long-range goals. The first goal is to develop comprehensive treatment programs for young children with early onset conduct problems. The second goal is the development of cost-effective, community-based, universal prevention programs that all families and teachers of young children can use to promote social competence and to prevent children from developing conduct problems in the first place.

The purpose of the series is to prevent delinquency, drug abuse, and violence. The short-term goals of the series are to: 

Reduce conduct problems in children:

  • Decrease negative behaviors and noncompliance with parents at home.

  • Decrease peer aggression and disruptive behaviors in the classroom.

Promote social, emotional, and academic competence in children:

  • Increase children's social skills.

  • Increase children's understanding of feelings.

  • Increase children's conflict management skills and decrease negative attributions.

  • Increase academic engagement, school readiness, and cooperation with teachers.

Read more about the goals

Levels of Intervention

Using the Incredible Years Programs by Population Served

The Incredible Years Programs are designed by levels of intervention. The program chosen by your agency for dissemination will depend on the characteristics of the population served. For an overview of the levels, click the link below.
View the Levels of Intervention Pyramid


Yale Nurse

In 1970, Carolyn Webster-Stratton flew directly from Africa to New Haven to begin her education in a unique, new program at Yale School of Nursing. She left a small African village where surgical equipment was sterilized in a fire behind a mud hut hospital and where nine out of every ten babies died from malnutrition before one year of age.
Read the article

Incredible Years eNewsletter

October newsletter. Click to View

Incredible Years Sample Sessions

An invaluable tool for Group Leaders, Therapists and Teachers. You'll find these tapes an invaluable resource for furthering your group leadership skills.
Learn more and view video clips

New Incredible Years Training Programs

New Babies and Toddlers program! Supporting parents and their babies and toddlers.
Read about the program

Incredible Years in Clinical Psychiatry News

The wealth of research on The Incredible Years makes it a true public health prevention intervention.
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A Search Library of Articles & Research

Read about implementing our programs, view outcomes and more!
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Recently Added Articles:

Engagement and Effectiveness of Parent Management Training (Incredible Years) for Solo High-Risk Mothers: A Multiple Baseline Evaluation

Computer-Based Intervention with Coaching: An Example Using the Incredible Years Program

Incredible Years Parent Training Success in Essex

The Impact of Parent Behavior-Management Training on Child Depressive Symptoms

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A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 2-8 Years

Revised in 2006. New chapters. This handbook provides parents with guidelines to help prevent behavior problems from occurring and strategies to promote children's social and emotional competence. $19.95
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Incredible Years Presentations - Overview of the Incredible Years Programs.

These presentations are in Acrobat format. They will take a minute to load. When viewing, you may need to click the 'rotate' button on the Acrobat toolbar to change the slide orientation.

Parent Training Program 3MB (PDF)

Child Training Program 3MB (PDF)

Teacher Training Program 1MB (PDF)

Helping Young Aggressive Children Beat the Odds: Parents, Children, Teachers and Dinosaurs

The University of Washington 2006 Annual Faculty Lecture by Carolyn Webster-Stratton, PhD.

Watch the video


Training Workshops & Consultations

Seattle, WA - Trainings with Carolyn Webster-Stratton in January, March and May.

London - Fall and winter trainings!

Ireland - Fall and winter trainings with Dermot O'Reilly

Go to the full workshop calendar
Wales Trainings (PDF)


Incredible Years
1411 8th Avenue West    Seattle, WA 98119 USA   E-mail Us
Toll free call between 9 am and 3 pm PST (west coast time) - (888) 506-3562 or (206) 285-7565
FAX (888) 506-3562
  © 2008 The Incredible Years - Copyright Statement
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