Dare to be You logo DARE to be You
The DARE to be You program (DTBY) is a research based multi-level prevention program. It was selected as one of the first national replication prevention programs and is now on the National Registry for Effective Prevention Programs. It builds on the strengths of youth and develops individual assets in youth, families, schools, and community organizations. Focus principals include
D Decision-making and problem solving
A Assertive communication skills, social skills
R Responsibility and Role Modeling
E Efficacy, Esteem for self and others, Empathy Development

DARE to be You (DTBY) is unique in providing training components and materials for all levels of the community which influence youth. Each of these components has undergone 5 to 20 years of research comparing participants with control groups:

Family-based classes
  • DTBY for Preschool Families (NREPP)
  • DTBY Bridges for Families with Youth in K-2 and their Teachers
  • DTBY Care to Wait for Families with Middle School Youth (with a sexual decision-making/abstinence component)
Youth-based programs
  • School curriculum for school or after-school programs and other youth organizations
Training for community youth workers and teachers

Training for peer counselors/peer educators
For additional information contact
DARE to be You
Jan Miller-Heyl, Director
215 N Linden Street, Suite E
Cortez CO 81321
Fax 970-565-4641

Or: Colorado State University
Attn: Sue Sidinger, Prog Asst
136 Aylesworth Hall NW
Fort Collins, CO 80523-4050

Main Page Success Stories Training Opportunities Powerpoint Presentation Curriculum Descriptions
Research Results Publications Components Awards Order Form

Last updated 12-10-2008 by Sue Sidinger
The DARE to be You program is not affiliated with D.A.R.E. America or any programs sponsored, approved or offered by D.A.R.E. America. Equal opportunity statement : Disclaimer Statement