One Week Left To Apply For Disaster Assistance 

Release Date: March 29, 2002
Release Number: 1401-32

» More Information on Oklahoma Ice Storm

Oklahoma City, OK -- Oklahomans in the 45 disaster-designated counties have until 6 p.m. Monday, April 8 to apply for disaster assistance if they suffered losses due to the January 30th ice storms.

Officials with the Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management (ODCEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) urge any ice storm victims who have not yet called the toll-free application number to do so before the deadline.

FEMA's toll-free application number is 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). There is also a special toll-free number for the speech or hearing impaired, (TTY) 1-800-462-7585. Both numbers are available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CST), Monday through Friday until April 8.

Nearly $5 Million Issued

Disaster housing grants, low-interest disaster loans, and individual and family grants totaling $4,860,836 have been issued to 6,073 ice storm victims throughout the 45 disaster-designated counties (see attached chart) throughout the state.

The following figures are as of the close of business on March 28:

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

SBA officials urge applicants to complete their loan paperwork as soon as possible, even if they have not received a final settlement from their insurance company. If the loan application is not returned, other forms of disaster assistance will be delayed. Applicants who have questions about the loan packets may contact the SBA at 1-800-366-6303, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Voluntary Agencies Still Providing Assistance

Requests for debris removal assistance are being coordinated through a statewide debris hotline. The hotline, 1-800-539-8541, a collaborative effort of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (OKVOAD), is coordinating debris removal requests with Mennonite Disaster Services and local faith-based groups.

Disaster Assistance Application Totals by County
Updated at Close of Business March 28, 2002

County Applications Received County Applications Received County Applications Received
Alfalfa 51 Grady 240 Oklahoma 3,458
Beaver 1 Grant 367 Osage
Beckham 138 Greer 28 Pawnee 14
Blaine 1,093 Harmon 2 Payne 106
Caddo 1,307 Harper 23 Pottawatomie 5
Canadian 2,991 Jackson 11 Roger Mills 27
Cimarron 0 Kay 3,274 Rogers 1
Cleveland 51 Kingfisher 1,862 Stephens 2
Comanche 3
Kiowa 397 Texas 2
Creek 5 Lincoln 4 Tillman 1
Custer 1,826 Logan 908 Tulsa 7
Dewey 134 Major 270 Washington 69
Ellis 24 McClain 20 Washita 901
Garfield 4,667 Noble 1,151 Woods 30
Garvin 4 Nowata 5 Woodward 132
        Total 25,969

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Aug-2003 16:19:17