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Utah No. 1? Ute got to be kidding me


The U.S. sports media has a new flavor of the month, and it's Utah. Which means it's up to you, readers and listeners and sports fans all over, to say no to this nonsense.

Not you in Utah, of course. You in Utah can say yes. The Utah football team just beat the crap out of Alabama in the Sugar Bowl to finish an undefeated season -- the only undefeated season in major college football -- at 13-0. You in Utah ought to be proud of your team, thrilled for your achievement and reveling in the BCS bloodshed as you watch this imperfect system try to justify putting a one-loss team, either Florida or Oklahoma, ahead of your perfect Utes.

Sorry Utah, but that Sugar Bowl trophy is all you should be getting. (Getty Images)  
Sorry Utah, but that Sugar Bowl trophy is all you should be getting. (Getty Images)  
Go ahead with that, you in Utah.

Meanwhile, here on planet Earth ...

I mean, come on. Utah? From the Mountain West? There's an awful lot of momentum for Utah to be crowned king in the final Associated Press poll, the final one of the 2008 season, which comes out shortly after the ostensible national championship game between Florida and Oklahoma on Thursday night. The AP poll has that kind of freedom, considering it has cut ties with the Bowl Championship Series. The AP poll could make a stand for Utah, and against the BCS, all in one motion by erecting the Utes as the No. 1 team in college football.

Gag me.

Could we in the media, and everywhere else for that matter, please look at the Sugar Bowl for what it was? It was an exhibition game. It was meaningless. It was watered-down football, what with Alabama missing the very best pro prospect, and probably the very best player, in the SEC in suspended offensive tackle Andre Smith.

Now I'm in the position of having to make excuses for that cretin Nick Saban, and that really ticks me off. But here goes. In the span of one day, Alabama went from the fantasy of hoping to play for the national championship to the reality of having to play Utah in the Sugar Bowl. Until it lost to Florida in the SEC title game, Alabama thought it would play for everything. And then it ended up playing for nothing. That's the Sugar Bowl, if you're Alabama. It's nothing.

Go back to August, and it's a different story. Had you told the Crimson Tide in August, when they were unranked, that in January they would be playing an undefeated team, even Utah, in the Sugar Bowl, Alabama would have been good and fired up. But a lot changed. Over time Alabama ascended to No. 1, a plain mistake, but a mistake foisted on us by the same voters who now have the power in their hands to make Utah No. 1. So anything is possible.

But Alabama went from No. 1 to the stinking Sugar Bowl. Alabama was understandably down. Utah, given the chance to play a BCS league big boy, was understandably up. The result was understandable. Utah won 31-17.

And now it's everywhere. The Washington Post says Utah should be No. 1. That's not going to happen, of course, and the New York Daily News says Utah's exclusion from the No. 1 conversation is proof that the BCS is a failure.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth ...

People, please. Utah is the same team that beat Michigan 25-23. Michigan went 3-9 this season.

Utah is the same team that beat Air Force 30-23. Air Force went 8-5.

Utah beat Weber State 37-21. Weber State isn't even in Division I.

Utah beat New Mexico 13-10. New Mexico went 4-8.

These are facts. But people don't want to hear facts right now, because they'd rather burn down the big, bad BCS witch. As if the BCS is so bad. I'm all about getting the right system, just as long as someone can come up with one. An actual playoff, with 40,000 fans of Oklahoma or Ohio State or Texas being asked to mobilize week after week after week to the far reaches of the country? Not realistic. Games every weekend through the month of December, like they do it in Division I-AA? Feasible, but not ideal.

A plus-one system? Fine. But who are the plus-one teams this year? The winner of the Florida-Oklahoma game is one. Utah, I guess, would be another. What about Texas? Southern California?

You say plus-one, I say plus-four. And some years, plus-six. Which puts us back where we started, with no real solution to the BCS problem. Meanwhile, the BCS has been infinitely better than the previous system, where the No. 1 team in the country might beat the crap out of the No. 7 team in a Jan. 1 bowl and be crowned the national champion. At the time, people thought that made sense. You see my point? People are dumb. People are weak and easily influenced by the here and now.

So, people, please. Do not be fooled by the here and now of Utah's win over Alabama. Do not be fooled by the media clamoring.

Utah is a very good team, probably even a top 10 team.

But Florida would kick Utah's ass. And so would Oklahoma.

Assuming they weren't still laughing after watching film of Utah's games with Weber State and New Mexico.


Talk Back
Since:Nov 7, 2008

January 6, 2009 6:51 pm
You, sir, are a twit. I, begrudgingly, am even aknowledging your column, only because of the idiocy and absurdity you have tried to pass as journalism. How embarassed CBS must be, to have you trying to pass this refuse off as a legitimate column. It is obvious that you are trying to get a rise out of everyone, and pad your resume' with truckloads of hate mail, to legitimize your popularity. I cann ...(more)
Since:Nov 3, 2007

January 6, 2009 5:33 pm
Utah has noone but themselves to blame for missing a shot at a national title. What idiot would schedule a road game in the Big House against Michigan? I guarantee you that when this game was scheduled god knows how long ago[7-8 years probably] the Utah coach knew that this would be the year Michigan would have their worst team ever. Way to go Utah. If you want to win national titles play someone ...(more)
Since:Oct 5, 2008

January 7, 2009 12:09 am

As an Alabama fan, it was a huge disappointment. But the reality is that Bama was not as good as I thought they were, and many thought they were. We all fooled ourselves into believing it......I started doubting it in the Kentucky game, but I ignored it. The Tide played its best game of the year against the Harvinless Gators. For three quarters, it was a tough battle, but when the chips fell in ...(more)

Since:Apr 27, 2008

January 6, 2009 9:21 pm

Doyel puhhlease. Utah beat Alabama very handily, something that Florida did not do. Though the final scores were similar the games were obviously not. And are you really going to say that Bama didn't deserve their No.1 ranking, because they lost to Florida by a small amount and because of this Utah loss. Maybe Utah is just better than you think, but they probably aren't better than Oklahoma or ...(more)

Since:Dec 13, 2006

January 7, 2009 12:48 am
  1. They can't be number one, they don't know the secret BCS handshake.
  2. If that blankity blank mid major played in our confererence they wouldn't win a game (except ours of course)
  3. Our team wasn't up for the game so therefore it doesn't count
  4. Our best lineman was caught cheating, so its not our fault we lost!
  5. Go schedule a tough tea ...(more)
Since:Mar 17, 2007

January 6, 2009 10:11 pm
You think I'm kidding?  Right?  After reading all of this nonsense about who would "theoretically" kick Utah's ass in a title game, I had fun with transitive properties to check and see if my beloved Illini made enough of a case to play in the BCS championship game.  Funny thing is, it really didn't take as long as I suspected...

1.  Florida lost to Ole
Since:Sep 3, 2008

January 6, 2009 2:16 pm

The BCS can't rank the HEART OF A CHAMPION.  Since their is no play-off, the next surest way is to have your champion the team that no one else could beat.  Doyel needs and wants the BCS to tell him who is #1, so he can tell us.  I don't want or need the BCS, some flawed system that has a no proven way to rank teams accurately and based in no way or without any way to calcul ...(more)

Since:Aug 16, 2006

January 6, 2009 4:14 pm

Dodd and Doyel drew straws and Doyel got the "Utah doesn't deserve it story".  Dodd got the "Utah deserves it story."

That is the only explanation I have for Dodd writing a story that I agree with and Doyel writing a story I don't agree with..On the Same DAY!

Maybe when the url changes some of the writers will as well.  Doyel, I was really liking yo ...(more)

Since:Mar 27, 2007

January 6, 2009 8:51 pm
So one of the reasons you levee against a playoff is that fans would have to travel?  Guess basketball fans don't travel in late March.  I guess the same fans that travel during the season just all of a sudden quit traveling after December 1. 
Since:Nov 24, 2006

January 6, 2009 11:48 am
At the end of his article, Doyel says:

"But Florida would kick Utah's ass. And so would Oklahoma."

Hmm.... I remember hearing people say the same thing about Alabama easily beating Utah. 

Im not saying Utah is the best team in the country, but to discredit them because they are Utah
Since:Feb 22, 2008

January 6, 2009 9:22 pm
Utah isn't the best team in the country right now. Alabama may have not brought their A game since it wanted to be in the championship game. Utah did play to their competition level and had some close games with teams they should have annihalated.

He was wrong when he said the current system is better than the old one. We still don't have a guarantee that the 2 best teams in the co
Since:Sep 4, 2006

January 6, 2009 1:49 pm
Utah 13 TCU 10.  Case closed.
Since:Jan 13, 2007

January 6, 2009 9:03 pm

But Florida would kick Utah's ass. And so would Oklahoma.

Assuming they weren't still laughing after watching film of Utah's games with Weber State and New Mexico.

You have no solid proof that Florida and Oklahoma could win. None.
Since:Jan 23, 2007

January 7, 2009 1:25 am
    The greatest boxer of all time may be Muhammed Ali. The greatest baseball franchise of all time may be the New York Yanks. The greatest pro football coach may be Vince Lombardi. The greatest hockey player of all time may be Wayne Gretsky. The greatest baseball player of all time probably would have been Roberto Clemente, maybe. We will never know who the best ...(more)
Since:Dec 1, 2006

January 7, 2009 2:54 am

Quoting Doyel:

"Now I'm in the position of having to make excuses for that cretin Nick Saban, and that really ticks me off. But here goes. In the span of one day, Alabama went from the fantasy of hoping to play for the national championship to the reality of having to play Utah in the Sugar Bowl. Until it lost to Florida in the SEC title game, Alabama thought it would play ...(more)

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