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  • me3tv 25 days ago

    Job losses will occur with or without bailout. The difference is the efficiency of the remaining force will be enhanced by the Chapter 11 approach where stupid overpaid management and ridiculous union demands are cleared off the decks. At last the chains will be off and they can produce those government mandated hybrid cars in a world where gasoline is now cheaper than bottled water (oops - missed THAT bubble !!).

    • jeffgarlick 25 days ago

      Living in Michigan and having just seen 2200 employees of my company “laid off” on Wednesday, I can CERTAINLY see the merit of a bailout just because it would save a lot of jobs for a little while longer.

      On the other hand, as long as things stay the same with current management and the Big 3 keep making the same mistakes, it’s like giving a liver transplant to a drunk, it will buy some time but ultimately, unless the patient changes their ways, all you’re doing is forestalling the inevitable.

      There is no good answer to this - it’s “damned if you don’t but probably even MORE damned if you do”! I guess ultimately, I’m for the bailout as a LOAN and with the condition of restructuring - meaning current jet-setting CEOs either work for free or are shown the door.

      • kerryburrell 25 days ago

        Restructure the debt. I cannot see how GM will ever payback even the interest on that debt.

        • Geoff 25 days ago

          The UWA can rot in hell. The deal was done and these arrogant thieves could not put a date on being competitive with their wages. They are cutting the throats of their own work force.

          • Tim H. 25 days ago

            I can’t believe I’m agreeing with the White House, but I think it would be irresponsible to let the big three fall into bankruptcy.

            In a normal economy, if a company failed as the auto manufactures are today, I feel bankruptcy would be the appropriate process. However this is not a normal economy and this affects the entire US auto industry — not just one company. In this special case, the government should step up and provide the necessary loans to keep them running provided the companies are doing all they can to cut costs. Other countries are bailing out their auto industry; we can not abandon ours.

            What I’d really like to see is the government be more proactive and do something about the failing mortgages. So far they appear to be bailing out companies before they slip into bankruptcy without trying to solve the real problem –foreclosures.

            • gi610 25 days ago

              “Auto Bailout” is broken: I get 2 commercials, but no content.

              • L.R. 25 days ago

                I am a mechanic who has made a living off of industries like this and the bootm line for all machinery manufactures it technologies exsist to better the industy and improve the enviroment and make it cost effective to the comsumers who use these products. The industry has refused to share these technologies to better the upperclass and other industries who have forsight on potential finacial ruin. I believe the they should be head to the same standards as any other business and sink or swim with government intervention but i also believe thats true of the finacial makerts as well I mean thats what they’re asking the american public middle and lower class to do. It seem only fair that industies are held to that standard as well. Not that i want to see people out of work but we are past due for change. Maybe the government should put that money to good use like starting some civil projects and creating jobs instead of giving it to the CEO’s wanting to cut jobs and line pockets.

                • James 25 days ago

                  Video no workeeeee……….

                  • Steve 25 days ago

                    Ooops — I’ve clicked the link twice, all I get is two commercials each time. Two clicks, four irritating commercials, no Wallstrip. I’m not up to trying a third time…….

                    • Curtis 25 days ago

                      Julie move west where its warmer

                      • Dan 25 days ago

                        Good to see you back on the street interviewing. I just wish there were some mean people. I love to see the annoyed look when someone asks them a simple question.

                        Julie? You know I love you girl. I do. I really do. What I am about to say hurts me MORE than it hurts you. Girl, what is up with that hat? A normal watch cap would not have done the job? You look like you mugged one of Santa’s elves. You could fit the $14 billion for the big three in that hat, and maybe $3 billion more. Wear whatever footwear you want, but please get rid of that hat girlfriend.

                        • Bob 25 days ago

                          Jules, I think you look cute in that hat!

                          • Andy Swan 22 days ago

                            For $50 billion (the true cost of the auto bailout when all considered)….

                            Seed 10 new auto companies with $5 billion CASH each! They would move in and take over the useful assets and facilities of these bloated losers, employ people without the unbelievable burdens of the UAW and take a fresh, new technology-first approach to building cars.

                            But that’s just me….someone who doesn’t see the UAW as a “voting block”.

                            • see4reaal 21 days ago

                              Why must the unions be blamed for the auto meltdown….. the UAW worked hard to get the benefits they deserve (they are not living like kings and getting spa vacations like the other beneficiaries of bailout money). I dont understand why the banks were given an outrageous amount of money, easily and with no regulation. The auto industry has made some bad choices but these financial service institutions CAUSED this debacle.

                              I just found this article from Dennis Kucinich (on SANE voice on the Hill) on truthdig about the situation that occurred during his run as mayor of Cleveland. The greed and corruption of these banks is astonishing. Check it out at

                              • male escort 20 days ago

                                these bail outs are needed but futile…the japs and chinese will always undercut …..and it will only see things get worse

                                • julie alexandria 19 days ago

                                  I totally agree. the Hat looks awful! “what was I thinking”??? good thing the Paparazzi didnt see.
                                  ANyway - thanks for the heads up - i will go for the Do Rag next time, for sho.

                                  • male escort 18 days ago

                                    the hats a shocka ! a beret would look better that coat

                                    • الشله 15 days ago

                                      better the upperclass and other industries who have forsight on potential finacial ruin. I believe the they should be head to the same standards as any other business and sink or swim with government intervention but

                                      • Mo 7 days ago

                                        Much like the Chrysler bailout many years ago, this is a necessary evil. We must take action now or lose significant industrial output later. It’s not just cars - it’s the steel industry, all that glass, the electronics, everything. I would just like to see a little more negotiation for what I get out of this - how ’bout a certificate good for one middle-of-the-road car in 5 years? They want a taxpayer bailout - I want a car. Let’s talk…

                                        • ZuDfunck 6 days ago

                                          Am I on TV right now?



                                          How do I look?

                                          Is there anyone there?

                                          Is this on?

                                          • Just Quit 3 days ago

                                            Next time hire talent. Ads are horrible. Zero substance. Nothing to do with making money. I’m sure moblogic will really hit it off…..NOT. Hire idiots, pay them, sell it, make money, fire them, repeat. good legacy.

                                            • Masini 2 days ago

                                              The problem is that the money go to the companies not to peoples. In this case, the money will go into the auto company and they will just “extract” them…

                                              • Dan One day ago

                                                What the heck? I am dying at my desk with no Wallstrip! How long can Christmas vacation be? Sal and Fu Sheng are going on an R&R and you want to put them on ambush? Ahn-ah. You got the fresh meat. Seriously, I love Rick Santelli, and he is good but not as entertaining as Wallstrip. MLee is a sexy girlfriend, but she will not listen to my opinion on her hair, which looks like she just got out of a wind tunnel.

                                                • Jesus Christ Almighty 15 hours ago

                                                  I like that pink hat…;)…

                                                  • David Swensen 7 hours ago

                                                    No amount of money would be enough to save the auto industry. It just delays the inevitable.

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