Improve Business Performance with Fact-based Consulting
Gartner Consulting provides fact-based consulting services to help our clients use and manage IT to enable business performance.

We do this by driving three major outcomes for our clients:

  • Applying IT to drive improvements
  • Creating sustainable IT efficiency
  • Strengthening the IT organization and operations
The Gartner Advantage
Gartner Consulting impacts your ability to achieve return on IT and drive enterprise leverage. We form and deliver business solutions and benchmark solutions by capitalizing on differentiating market assets invaluable to you:
Market Independence
Gartner's market independence ensures that our advice is about making our clients successful; it is not about driving implementation or outsourcing.

Gartner's market-leading benchmarking capabilities provide clear and contextually relevant comparisons and best practices to assess and improve performance.

Gartner research ensures our analyses and advice is based on a deep understanding of the IT environment and the business of IT.