What’s Your Message to the Travolta Family?

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See More... After the tragic death of their son Jett, John Travolta and Kelly Preston are said to be back in the States preparing for the funereal.

Send your condolences to the family right here by adding your comments below -- which may also be read on-air during "The Insider" on TV tonight.

Published 18 hours ago by the Insider

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Comments (237)

  • This is the worst thing that could ever happen to a parent.
    anonymous 5 Finn 18 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I can't even imagine...My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    anonymous 5 MarciaD 18 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Let the memory of your beautiful son carry you thru the rest of your life
    anonymous 6 barb 18 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you, Kelly and Ellla. I wish you all the best. Kristie
    anonymous anonymous 18 hours ago Reply
  • I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you, Kelly and Ellla. I wish you all the best. Kristie
    anonymous anonymous 18 hours ago Reply
  • Our thoughts and prayers are withyou and your family.
    anonymous anonymous 18 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. I am deeply saddend by your loss of such a sweet boy.
    anonymous 5 k_meehan 18 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • You are living every parents worst nightmare. You are in my prayers.
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • This is the worst thing that could happen to parents. My prayers are with you and your family. Be strong because he is in a good place heaven now.
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • This is the worst thing that could happen to parents. My prayers are with you and your family. Be strong because he is in a good place heaven now.
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • Hello the Insider I would like to extend my sympathy to the Travolta Family.
    I am so sorry. Roses are RED Vilets are Blue
    you'r in a better place now Honey.
    We will all Miss you. Laura california
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • Hello the Insider I would like to extend my sympathy to the Travolta Family.
    I am so sorry. Roses are RED Vilets are Blue
    you'r in a better place now Honey.
    We will all Miss you. Laura california
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • Hello the Insider I would like to extend my sympathy to the Travolta Family.
    I am so sorry. Roses are RED Vilets are Blue
    you'r in a better place now Honey.
    We will all Miss you. Laura california
    anonymous anonymous 17 hours ago Reply
  • Your kindness and love for people always came across when every I saw your interviews. My prayer is that the love of the people from across the world will strengthen you, Kelly, and Ella in this most difficult time. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • John and family,

    My name is Danielle and i am from wiscosin, and i was watching the insider. I came across the news about the loss of your son. I can't imagine going through anything like that. That is so sad and so hard to bare, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the best of luck in the time of reflection and mourning. He sounds like he was a great kid with a big he art on his sleeve. But he is watching over you and now he is your angel in heaven and a spirit that will live on in the hearts of many and especially yours. God bless and i hope all goes well for you and i know that you and your family is strong, you guys can get through this, it will take a long while, so take your time, dont rush for the pain to go away. There are many memories and many good times spent, I think he is thankful for that and everyday that you guys had together. But remember you always have your fans that will stick by your side in your time of loss.....

    PS: I am a big fan of you John Travolta
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • that's so bad that jett died because i am crazy about the travolta family and i like love every person in the family ( john travolta of course . kelly preston for sure . jett travolta R.I.P . and ella bleu travolta ) so that's so bad
    and john . kelly i am so and realy sorry about what happend to your son .
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • I am sorry to what happened to you, I totally understand to what you are going thru. My husband had a seiuzure disorder too and I am afraid to what can happen to him. God bless you now and ever.
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • My prays go out to John and his family. I can't begin to understand there grief. May the lord be with you during this very diffucult time.
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John and Kelly
    I'm from germany. As I hear the news that you lost your son, I must cry.
    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. I light up a candle and pray for you.
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
    hellow every body
    isn't that bad to lose some one of the travolta family .i want to tell you everybody how i know that jett R.I.P died
    i was reading about kelly preston on wikipedia site on 4-1-2009 and i read that { she have 2 kids: jett travolta who born on 13-4-1991 . and died on 2-1-2009 when i read that when he died i was astonished i realy was astonished i didn'e belive what i am reading i thought that was a jock . what are they wrote here about jett and but when i look in other sites i know that's truth that he died .
    that's realy bad to die in the second day of the new year}

    and that how i know how jett died
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • Heartfelt condolences. And please all these entertainment shows..Leave them alone. Stop bringing in experts on this and that and try to decide what was wrong with this child. It's none of anyones business. By all acccounts he was loved and cared for by excellent parents, a lucky boy for sure. Please stop doing this and let this family remember their son and heal in their own way and time.
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • Memory is the yesterday that gives us courage for tomorrow and we hope that the saddest you are feeling will soon give way to fond memories. With deepest sympathy . Rose and Doug
    anonymous anonymous 16 hours ago Reply
  • don't grieve for your son, for now he's free he's following the path god laid for him. he could not stay another day, to laugh, to love. or play. tasks left undone must stay that way. he found that peace at the close of day if his parting has left a void then fill it with remembered joy. a son shared a laugh, a kiss these things he too will miss. be not burdened with times of sorrow he wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. his life's been full he savoured much. good friends, good times a loved one's touch perhaps his time seemed all too brief. don't lengthen it now with undue grief, lift up your hearts and share with him. god wanted him now. he set him free.
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers and condolensces to you all. The loss of a child is the worst pain imaginable.
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • hi my name is sara .i am from kuwait and i am 14 years old
    i have send to massges but i didn't wrote my name
    so that's realy bad thing to lose some person of the travolta family and that to bad for kelly and john because jett was their first child
    hey every body but your self in john travolta life right now at this Minutes what can you feel that your first son died and he still young 16 years old you maybe can't Imagine his hard time that he Passes
    bye sara from kuwait to john and kelly from USA.
    but i have to say

    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • John, kellyand ella
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, at this difficult time.

    Bonnie Goodman
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • I work for the Epilepsy Foundation and I have dealt with my consumers having seizures. I feel your loss and I know every memory you have of your son will remain in your heart forever. I too have lost people I loved in the past, my husband suddenly and unexepcted, then my father, and then 8 weeks later my mother. My friends, family and faith keeps me strong. I will keep the entire Travolta family in my prayers and I hope you realize how much we all care for you. Just remember the love you have for someone can never be taken away from you - it stays with you forever!. Louise
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are going out to the Travolta family for there loss of there 16 year son Jett, but it is real tragic scene that happen in the Bahamas, and I really hope that they find out what really happened to there son. And also hoping that tabloids and the paparazzi leave them lone and let them grieve in private and with the ones that new them really well.
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • i ant knw what 2 say its hard for u 2 handle all this sadness bt i hope that ur memories of ur son will makes u feel that he will stay wz u at the end of ur life nd hope it will be the end of sorrow in ur family god bless u nd bless ur family we love u all
    NivinS 165 NivinS 15 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I am so sorry for your lost. =[
    AmandaC6 63 AmandaC6 15 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Not only do I not live far from your home in Ocala but I have a mother that has had siezures all my life and sometimes I never even knew she was having them until they were over....It is a very scary thing. Your family will remain in my prayers...
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to you!! I pray that God gives you the strength you need at this time and years to come! My prayers are with you and your family!
    anonymous anonymous 15 hours ago Reply
  • John & Family, My heart is with you at this diffecult time in your lives, Jett is surely with God, Jesus and all the Angels in Heaven as we speak. I am no stranger to heartache myself with losing 3 of my 5 Brothers in a 7 year period. May God bless you and hold you together always. Sue
    anonymous anonymous 14 hours ago Reply
  • It broke our hearts to lose him,
    But he didn't go alone.
    For part of us went with him,
    The day God took him home.
    anonymous anonymous 14 hours ago Reply
  • There are no words that can take away the pain of losing a child. When you look at the family pictures you can see how loved he was. He will always be in your heart. My sincere prayers and blessings are with you and your family.
    anonymous anonymous 14 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you. May his memory live in your hearts forever. ~Mary
    anonymous 306 Grams 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I am a fan of both mr and mrs travolta and would like to say to both of them and their daughter ella that I am so sorry for the loss of their son and brother, Jett is in heaven and you and the rest of family are in our prayers. god bless.
    chevjuls 13 chevjuls 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • sorry for your lose..
    anonymous 5 snicksfrn 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • my heart goes out to the travolta family im so sorry for their loss just know that he is in a better place now even though you cant see him you will always have him in your heart
    brittany melton from texas
    anonymous 1 insiderfan08 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers to John Kelly and Ella......your friends are here to listen and support you. From a big fan of Vinnie Barbarino, Jody Lynne Barnes, St. Johns, Michigan
    anonymous anonymous 14 hours ago Reply
  • i will bray for him and ask gad to forgive him
    NesreenM 34 NesreenM 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • John and Kelly. Words cannot express the sadness I and all the people who have come to know you through your roles feel. I meet John in NY many years ago when he was filming Saturday Night Fever and he was even then, a special person. My prayers and wishes for your family to come to terms with your loss and Know that your lives were greatly touched by Jett even if he was only here definately way to short at time.
    Jackie Arellnao
    anonymous anonymous 14 hours ago Reply
  • Hi my name is Maria Reyes and Iam from lorain ohio. I wanted to tell the Travolta family how truely sorry I am for there lost. I lost my only son in 1999 and I miss him now more then ever.A couple of years ago my grandbaby had a fever of 104 that would not go down so they lefted her in the hospital the next day her private part started getting raw as a tomatoe then her nails started falling off one by one, her tounge started peeling also, they found out that she has the same deciese as your son, we almost lost her.they said that hits a child only one of a million. so i just want to say that iam praying for the family to be strong. Thank You
    anonymous 5 toniluv57 14 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • God be with you,,my prayers are for you and your family,,hope you be able to go through this..
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • My Heart Goes out to John & Kelly for The Loss of Their Beloved Son Jett.Loving and kind in all his ways,Upright and just, to the end of his days;Sincere and true, in his heart and mind, Beauitful memories he left behind.
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • So so sorry for your loss..
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers 2 the Travolta family and freinds....
    AngelaS2 489 AngelaS2 13 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • my thoughts and prayers go out the the Travolta Family may god stand with you and hold you in these times of grief.

    Linda R
    Windsor, Ontario Canada
    LindaR3 266 LindaR3 13 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • i am so sorry for there loss. I had a brother that died back in 2000 from seizures. he was 25 yrs old. our thoughts and prayers are with the travolta family. from the Hamm family of North Carolina
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • My deepest sympathies to the Travolta Family. Its never easy losing a loved one, just keep the faith. The whole family is in my heart and prayers.
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • I cannot imagine the pain that you are going through right now. Please know that Jett is at peace and in a better place. I have no other words - just hoping that these few will give you some comfort.
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • my heart goes out to them i love john i am one his bigest fans i am so sorry
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to John Travolta and to his entire family during this extremely tragic time in all of their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May you stay strong and stick together now more than ever. You all have a very special angel looking after you, for sure!!!!!!!!!!

    Yvonne Damato
    Staten Island, NY
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • i am giving my prayers to the family to lose their oldlest son

    Zina 19 Brooklyn, New York
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • I see the picture of Jett and John, where John has his head on Jets chest. The look of love and contentment
    on Jets face makes my heart ache at seeing the loss they must feel. My heart and prayers go out to the family, and would like the media to focus on that love instead of all the personal drama for ratings. Not only are they stars, but loving parents that have the right to morn and heal in private over such a tragic loss. May God be with you John and Kelly. Give your daughter a hug for me.
    anonymous anonymous 13 hours ago Reply
  • This loss will never feel right. To see the picture of John looking into Jett's face just shows the overwhelming love of most parents for their children. Just remember the blessings he brought to your lives.
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • My dear friends our deepest condolances to you and your family on the loss of your wonderful son Jett this past holiday. Our prayers are with you all in this very special hour of need. God Bless all of you, a neighbor and friend. Patrick & Carol Meyer.
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • The whole world love's you.
    Louisville, Kentucky
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • To have to deal with this tragidy alone is bad enough, but to have to deal with in the public eye makes it even worse. My deepest sympathy to all of the Travolta family. You are in our prayers. Kelly
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • May God bless you and watch over you
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • My deepest sympathies on this great loss to your family. My whole family sends all their love to your family.
    anonymous anonymous 12 hours ago Reply
  • I have a son named Jett and think of your son every time I call my son's name. He is 7 and a spitfire. Just know that I will always think of your son when I think of mine. It sounds like he was a beautiful person, hang on to those memories. They will last forever. God bless Jett and your whole family.
    Connie Stuhr
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • iam sad john travolta son hope hes ok
    i a big fan of him a long time i love in hairspray i hope he told nikki blonsky i know she sad too my prayers are with you
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John and Kelly,
    May God be with you and yours in this great time of sorrow. My thoughts and prayers are and will continue to be with you.
    God Bless.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • iam sad john travolta son i hope your ok iam a big fan of yours i love in hairspray i love as enda i know nikki blonsky is sad too

    my prayers are with love you
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • I just want to send you my condolence and say I know exactly what your oing through. Last year my Dad lost his Mom and then a couple months later I lost my dog that I had for 16 yrs, it was really a hard year last year. Last thing I'd like to say is my prayers are with you and the family and I just know that your son is smiling down on you saying: "Dad, everything will be Alright and I'll watch over you and the rest of the family always." He'll be your Guardian Angel.

    Lots of love,
    Kim Phelps
    anonymous 5 Celebgurl42 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • A poem for the Travolta Family: When I close my eyes, what do I see. A wonderful child so special to me. But our flights together will not end, even though our hearts might mend. You are your name, "so fly on Jett", your precious memories we won't foget. All my love and prayers, Dawn
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers are with all of you for your tragic loss. I only hope that you can get through this privately. That is only fair to you. You are such great people and deserve your privacy for something such as this...Love you all...
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • I would like to send my condolence to you and the family. I know exactly what your going through. Last year my Dad lost his Mom then I lost my dog who lived to be 16 yrs old, it was really hard for me to lose two people that I loved so much. But I bet right now your son is looking down from above and smiling and letting you know that everything will be alright and that he'll be your Guardian Angel making sure that you know that he's always watching over you and he'll always be there in spirit. My heartfelt prayers gout out to you and the family and I'll be praying for you guys.

    Kim Phelps
    Andalusia, Alabama
    anonymous 5 Celebgurl42 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I just want to send you my condolences and say I know exactly what your going through. Last year my Dad lost his Mom and then a couple months later I lost my dog that I had for 16 yrs, it was really a hard year last year. Last thing I'd like to say is my prayers are with you and the family and I just know that your son is smiling down on you saying: "Dad, everything will be Alright and I'll watch over you and the rest of the family always." He'll be your Guardian Angel.

    Lots of love,
    Kim Phelps
    anonymous 5 Celebgurl42 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • please please please, just leave this family to grieve. celebrities or not, they should not be plastered all over the news sites.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • My deepest condolences for you and your family. I'm heartbroken for you, may God give you peace during this very difficult time.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I am so sorry for your loss you will always be in my heart. I am a hugh fan of yours its a loss may your son rip and god will be with you through your hard times.

    poem for you

    Remembering those who passed away who brought us joy and love the sadness of it can never be fixed but it can never be changed again
    you'll always have them in your heart but never back again
    live your life the best you can and never change a bit.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • I love Tervolta and saddened for the tragedy of what happened to Their son, and I hope to have patience .mashael from Saudi Arabia
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • My heart and prayers go to the Travolta family during this very difficult time.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • I hope that your son will be in a safe and happy place and may he rest in peace......you shouldn't be sad because he's with God now and that he is free from all the suffering that he was facing. May the good Lord be with all of you and the rest of your family.
    anonymous 5 jltooala1 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • To the Travolta Family, I am so sorry for your loss. I know no amount of words will help you get through this any easier but my prayer's are with you. God Bless and Take it just one day at a time. This is a time for your family to come together and try to heal from this terrible tragedy.
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • To the Travolta family.
    I am so sorry for your most heartfelt loss of your loving son Jett. May the love you shared bring you peace.
    from Canada
    anonymous anonymous 11 hours ago Reply
  • Its no doubt your child passed away when you choose to take your RETARTED religion over your own flesh and blood. scientologists make me wanna puke all over the damn place. you should have your other kid removed for safety purposes.
    SteffE 5 SteffE 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I am so sorry for your lost
    Breckenridge 5 Breckenridge 11 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Let that beautiful boy be with you forever and live on for eternity. Though we are selfish beings and want him here, he is at peace. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family and friends that love Jett.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • This is just so terrible. I can't imagine what its like for a parent too lose a child. But he will always be in there hearts may god be with them and there family at this terrible time. my thoughts and prayers are with them.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • we are sorry for lossing your son.......god bless you.....from an egyption family...
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • To the Travolta/Preston Families - My heart felt sympathy to you and your entire family at this most difficult time. Jett will always be in your thoughts and in your heart.....that will never be taking away. As a mother of 2 - age 17 and 20 I will look at my kids tonight and know how truly lucky I am to have them....they are such a gift......I can not even imagine how you are feeling and I honestly don't have any words that will make you feel better....just know the entire world is thinking about you all with sympathy and love........Here in Maine we have a special place in a hearts for you as we know you have a summer home here.....I hope this summer you get to come here and relax by the ocean......take care.......
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • To the Travolta/Preston Families - My heart felt sympathy to you and your entire family at this most difficult time. Jett will always be in your thoughts and in your heart.....that will never be taking away. As a mother of 2 - age 17 and 20 I will look at my kids tonight and know how truly lucky I am to have them....they are such a gift......I can not even imagine how you are feeling and I honestly don't have any words that will make you feel better....just know the entire world is thinking about you all with sympathy and love........Here in Maine we have a special place in a hearts for you as we know you have a summer home here.....I hope this summer you get to come here and relax by the ocean......take care.......
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • I see in the photos that were shared with us all, A Beutiful Family, A Beutiful Son, with Love in His Eyes, A Father with Love in His Eyes, Blessings To have what I see in The Photos,Your Love,Its greatful I am to share Bart
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers for the whole family on the death of your son.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • My condolences and prayers to the Travolta Family. Let your beautiful memories carry you until you meet again.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • jett is in god,s hands and the angels he will always be apart of your life the memories you have will be with you for a lifetime .he will always be with you god bless you
    JulieM8 5 JulieM8 10 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • My heart truly shares your pain, as I mourn my 18 year old. The beautiful memories will carry you through, but someday I pray that our tears will be tears of memories and someday we will smile again. God Bless
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • To the travolta family, Our family's thoughts and prayers are with you in this tragic time. Stay strong.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • I CANT BELIEVE HIS SON DIED I HOPE HE LAYS IN PEACE AND MAY GOD BLESS HIM-hes was a young boy. god was calling him to be his partner

    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • Travolta Family

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. May your memories always be close to your heart. Look to the evening sky for the brightest star , your son will be shining down.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • As a parent of a 16 yr old, I can imagine nothing worse than losing your child forever! My heartfelt condolences to John, Kelly, and Ella!
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you, Kelly, and Ella. Its the worst thing that could have ever happend. Im sorry for your loss. Please know the world is here for you.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • I am so sorry for your loss, My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • I lost my husband this past April from a seizure..........its a great loss, remember all the love and devotion you gave your son. It helps me.
    My prayers and heartfelt sympathy.........
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • im so sorry about your loss. may he rest in peace.
    JimmieC2 5 JimmieC2 10 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • My sincere condolences to the Travolta family. While you never get to really "know" a celebrity; you come to admire the person that you see in interviews as a person not just a celebrity. And while not really "acquainted" you care about them like an acquaintance. Again my sincer condolences.
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • to the travolta family . my prays go out to you and your family i know the pain of losing a child is not easy as i lost my son two days ago . god will keep him safe . take care and be strong . your friend steve from canada
    anonymous 0 biggred 10 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • my heart is with u all
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
  • I'm so sorry for your lose I hope you guys will be alright.
    TaylorJoiner11 148 TaylorJoiner11 10 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I'm sorry for your lost my prayers are with you hope that your family feel better
    anonymous anonymous 10 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • As the parent of a 16 yr old, I can't even imagine being without her forever! My heartfelt condolences to John, Kelly, and Ella! May Jett rest in peace forever!
    Sandy from Collegeville, PA
    {a fellow seizure sufferer}
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers and condolenses for you and your family. As a parent myself, I hope I never to have to experience losing a child. That is the worse that could ever happen. I am so very sorry for your loss.
    AnnM4 5 AnnM4 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • i just wanted to say that i'm so sorry for your loss, i can't imagine what you are going thru. My prayers are with you.
    anonymous 5 nicole16 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Its so sad, Its every parents worst nightmare. God Bless
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I was heart broken when I heard of your sons death. I do know how you are feeling because I lost my daughter when she was almost five. It has been almost 25 years since her death. I know that the hurt will never go away but it will get easier. I still cry and miss her and you will miss Jett always. When LeAnne died I received a poem about God not wanting just old people in heaven. God also wanted children of all ages. Just remember that Jett is in a better place. It will get easier. May God bless your family.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • may god bless your family and jett always

    from your friend Danielle Mcintosh
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • The Vehap family are very very sad for John and his family. John we LOVE YOU! Jett is with God and the Angels..may he rest in peace..
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • gia ding chung toi cau nguyen THIENCHUA .con trai yeu qui cua gia ding anh duoc THIENCHUA yeu thuong bao ve cham soc tron vong tay cua ngai
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • John and Kelly and family

    We have been great fans of yours since the Barbarino days. We loved you then and more today.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.xoxo
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
      anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago
  • My prayers are with all of you as you grieve. I care for a 41 year old man who has a seizure disorder and movement disorder that he has had since he suffered an AVM when he was 9. He seems to have cycle seizures and is going thru one now as he always does this time of year.More research is needed for seizure disorders.
    MY Prayers Lori Massachusetts
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • John, Kelly and all of the Travolta Family, I've tried opening my mouth with words of condolesence, but nothing seems to come out. My heart speaks knowing God is always in control. You are such a wonderful, loving family. Over the holidays, I thought about Christopher and Dana's son. My husband died six years ago at 44 years of age who would sometimes say the "Good Die Young". Our prayers will always be with you. Love You, Alethea Pope
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • that is so sad..i give all my heart to the family
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • My friend recommended me a very interesting place ________ DateRichSingleS.c om ________ It’s where wealthy singles looking for someone to enjoy their wealthy lifestyle with.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I feel for John and his family. Jett is with God now. I grew up with John, I saw all his shows and movies and I admire him very much. He is a great actor, a great dad and a loving husband. He is also very very smart. May God make him strong during this tragic time in his life.....shpresa vehap
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • Dear Travolta Family, I truely wish I could take some of your pain, even just for one hour. God Bless you, you are all in my prayers. Lu Rampulla
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • Maine is thinking of the Travolta/Preston families with love and sympathy during this most difficult time.....come here this summer and get away from the media.....come here and find some peace....we will leave you alone to rest and mourn......we love you here........peace be with you all...
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • Everytime I think of this I cry. I have a 12 year old boy that looks a lot like Jett, and I imagine how I would feel it something happened to him. My deepest sympathies.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • my thought and prayer to travolta family. i have three yrs old boy who suffer from sizures disorder to. this is the worst thing that could ever happen to a parent.you are in my prayers.you are a womderful father and a saw the beautiful pictures that you took with son.
    i am a big big fan of you
    anonymous 10 geoerika 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • i cant imagine little ella going through his big brother death. the family must be in shock, god know what he did and he did it for a reason. all my prayers are with you.
    lilritchel 71 lilritchel 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • It is from the bottom of my heart that I send my deepest condolences to the Travolta family. I cannot think of anything worse than the loss of a child. May all the wonderful memories you have of you son help to get you through this impossible grief.

    Most Sincerely,

    Susan Larson
    Waterbury, CT
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • It is from the bottom of my heart that I send my deepest condolences to the Travolta family. I cannot think of anything worse than the loss of a child. May all the wonderful memories you have of you son help to get you through this impossible grief.

    Most Sincerely,

    Susan Larson
    Waterbury, CT
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I too have lost a child. I feel your pain and my prayers are with you.

    Keith T
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • wow, what can i say this is the last thing any parent or sister needs. i hope you continue to stay strong and again i am so sorry for your sudden loss.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I also have epilepsy and They do need to do more research on it.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I have a 17 year old son with Autism & seizure disorders. I can not imagine what the Travolta faimly is going threw. After the news about Jett broke, I began checking on my son every 5 min. especially when he is bathing. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I have been a John Travolta fan since Saturday Night Fever! I am truly saddened by the loss of his son, Jett. As a parent I can not imagine losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with the family! As in John's movie Micheal, angels do exist and Jett is now John's angel. God Bless your family
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • my love gos out to the travolta family. i to have a seizure disorder .it takes a special family to be there at all or any time, day and night. trust in god and he wii be there. karen cobbett
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I cannot even try to imagine the depth of what your family is going through. I can only hope for your strength and healing during this impossible time in your lives. Please know that I am eternally grateful to you, John and Kelly for entertaining the world over the decades.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • my heart and prays go out to the familys i am so sorry.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • It is from the bottom of my heart that I send my deepest condolences to the Travolta family. I cannot think of anything worse than the loss of a child. May all the wonderful memories you have of you son help to get you through this impossible grief.

    Most Sincerely,

    Susan Larson
    Waterbury, CT
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • only a parent that has lost a child can understand your pain.....i understand and wish your family peace.

    grand rapids, mi
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I'm so sorry for all the pain you guys have gone through. all my thoughtful prayers are for you.
    lilritchel 71 lilritchel 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Very sorry for your loss. God Bless!
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • words can not express the sympathy and the heart felt greive i feel for you and your family.god bless you all. my prayer are with you.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. I am deeply saddend by your loss. I also have epilepsy and wish they would really do more research on it
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John & Kelly I will pray for you and your family, if I can do anything for you I live in Trinity FL. John
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • john,kelly and family our hearts go out to you all for what has happen. May GOD bless you! Rose and Roy! -Warren Ohio
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • my prayer and condolences goes out to the Travolta family i can't even imagine the pain there going through im so sorry i wish there was something i can do.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I have been a John Travolta fan since Saturday Night Fever! I am truly saddened by the loss of his son, Jett. As a parent I can not imagine losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with the family! As in John's movie Micheal, angels do exist and Jett is now John's angel. God Bless your family
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I have been a John Travolta fan since Saturday Night Fever! I am truly saddened by the loss of his son, Jett. As a parent I can not imagine losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with the family! As in John's movie Micheal, angels do exist and Jett is now John's angel. God Bless your family
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • My deepest sympathies to John, Kelly & Ella. I can't imagine what you are going through. A parents worse nightmare is the death of a child. My thoughts are with you all.
    ColleenH 5 ColleenH 9 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • my deepest sympthay to you john &kelly. i know what you are going through .i also have a familey member that has i related medical problem that your son had.keep the strength there will be a answer some day god bless rd
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • It is from the bottom of my heart that I send my deepest condolences to the Travolta family. I cannot think of anything worse than the loss of a child. May all the wonderful memories you have of you son help to get you through this impossible grief.

    Most Sincerely,

    Susan Larson
    Waterbury, CT
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • I have had seizures since the age of fifteen and now I am fifty five still living with seizure,s. I would like to tell you how sorry I was to hear what has happend to Jett. May God bless you all everyday in everway. Rose - Warrren Ohio.
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • It is from the bottom of my heart that I send my deepest condolences to the Travolta family. I cannot think of anything worse than the loss of a child. May all the wonderful memories you have of you son help to get you through this impossible grief.

    Most Sincerely,

    Susan Larson
    Waterbury, CT
    anonymous anonymous 9 hours ago Reply
  • How can the parents and his loved ones bear the pain and suffering? It's a tragedy. I feel for them and they will be in my prayers... Nikki
    NikkiPuskar 5 NikkiPuskar 8 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • To the Travolta family, my deepest condolances on the loss of your son Jett. It is obvious to anyone that he was loved. He is loved and will always be loved. I respect the privacy you surrond your family with and I wish you peace
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
    The time that Jett had with his parents and sister will be treasured forever I am sure. Jett is with the angels now and looking after his family from above.
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to the Travolta family my prayers are with you.I have a sixteen year old daughter with epilepsy since 2004 been dealing with this her first seizure was on the day I buried my brother. I am hoping for answers someday about this disorder
    anonymous 5 mickey43 8 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • I have lost both of my parents and 2 brothers. However, as a mother of 2 I can honestly say your loss is beyond what I want to even let enter my mind. Though our worlds are completely different I know a good parent's love for their children. I am praying for your family.

    Shelia Burton
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • I send my deepest condolences to John Kelly Emma extended family may your beloved Jet rest in peace . He now shines down from above with his love. May all your precious memories of him help carry you through this painful time . Rosemary
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • The Travolta family has my deepest sympathy, and are in my thoughts. To lose a child is the worst thing a parent can endure. At 14, I lost my older sister, my heart goes out to the entire family. kt
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • John & Kelly,
    It is the most tragic experience anyone or any family can go through. I can't even imagine if I lost my one daughter at 18. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and I hope you can get the respect and privacy that you deserve. Please remember that I am sure Jett knew how much you both loved him very much as it is so evident in all the pics and interviews they have shown. I have always been a fan of both of you and am really sad with you also. Please let your faith and your love for him and Ella give you strength and get you through this most difficult time. God bless you all. Kellie S. , FL
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • i'm sorry for your loss.
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • May the Lord be with you and guide you during this difficult time.
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • My Prayers are with you and your family at this time. My it comfort you that he was loved and did the best for him!
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • Jett is a new star in the Universe and he will be shining down on those who loved him so much. Bless the Travolta family in this difficult time. May his light and energy shine bright and touch you all forever.
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • I can't imagine what's it's like to lose a child, but loss is loss and it hurts; my heart, love and strength goes out to you and your family. Be strong.
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to all three of you. I know my words can not make you feel better, but my prayers and thoughts are with you.
    anonymous 5 TraceyF 8 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • My heart goes out to the family,I could not even imagine the emtional pain they are going through at this time,what a tragic loss I only have one reason as to why god took this child and that is because he needed another angel up above,my thoughts and prayers are with them Michelle
    anonymous anonymous 8 hours ago Reply
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you and you're family in this time of need. I'm not a parent yet and yet my heart is breaking for you and you're family. Keep you're heads held high and know that there are people thinking of you and you're family. God bless you and may the thoughts and memories keep you going through this hurtful time.
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • I;am so sorry about your lost we have a son 16 in mar my heart and soul goes out to your family will pray every day for your hearts with peace
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • Our thoughts and prayers go out ot the Travolta family. You have a wonderful angel watching over you.
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • When you lose a LOVED ONE...People often say "I know how you feel", they may say "In time, it'll be okay", or maybe "Everything Happens for a Reason". NO ONE knows how you feel, or IF it will ever be "Okay". John, I have watched you for so long on the television...since Welcome Back Cotter. You have been a part of my life even though you've never seen me. TEARS I CRY for you and your family...LOVE TO YOU ALL. Mother of 2 (12&8)
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • Try to keep your hopes and dreams going!!
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • Try to keep your hopes and dreams going!!
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • dear john and kelly and ella sorry what happened to jett,me and my husband paul send our love and prayers,and that jett will hold a special in your hearts and lives. you will be your guardian angel over you. love always pamela and paul morrow.
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • John you are such an incredible human being and I am so sorry you have to suffer such a loss. Your son Jett was a beautiful boy and I know you will keep him in your heart forever. Just seeing the photos of you and him on the boat is heartbreaking. I am so sorry for you and Kelly and your little girl.
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • John you are such an incredible human being and I am so sorry for your loss. Jett was a beautiful boy and the photos of him and you on the boat are beautiful. My prayers are with you and your family. Love Nor Nor South San Francisco, CA
    anonymous anonymous 7 hours ago Reply
  • the whole world is sorry for your lost...be happy for jett,for his soul is already in the lords hand..you'll still see him,for we'll be coming back in the hands of our father.when that day comes,both of you john and kelly will be the happiest soul in heaven for you will be in the hands of the our creator and ofcourse with jett..you'll see what im talking about and then you'll remember this message and the you'll smile......godbless us all....just continue your lifes journey.....
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • I am so so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and my prayers go out to your family
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Our family sends our prayers, blessings and love to your family. God will care and love Jett while you all go on living and loving until God calls you home to join Jett and more of your family and friends. We are so sorry for your loss but hope that you count with love the blessings of time spent with Jett. Love, The Marions
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • God Rest His Soul. And he has blessed your family for your time with him. He will always be watching over you like your own mini guardian angle. As you will always remember him.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Mr Travolta and Mrs. Kelly Preston Travolta

    Our family prays for your lost, best of thoughts for you're family.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • My 12-year old daughter has a seizure disorder and this is the worst news any parent could ever receive. I hope this tragedy will shine more light on the research needed in the neurological field.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • It is so devastating...but surely your son is in safe hands now. Be strong for each other and ella..you are in our prayers.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • May my tears over your loss be stepping stones to the Lord .for Jett.... I am so sorry , and my prayers are for you and your family.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • I have been a fan of John Travolta forever. I am privileged to have an autograped 8x10 picture on my desk. I have his first book by my bed. I remember being so upset when he married Kelly Preston I cried for a week. But if there was someone you had to pick for John, Kelly was a wonderful choice. They have brought 2 beautiful children into the world. I think everyone is just so sad for them. It's hard enogh to lose parents, but it's devasting to lose a child. I could only piture Mr. TrVOLTA SAYING THE IT WAS A WONDERFUL PRIVEDGE TO HAVE BROUGHT jETT INTO THE WORLD. For that my prayers go out to the Travolta Family @ this horrible time that such wonderful people should not be experincing so young in their lives. Bless You ALL Travolta Family Deb K from PA
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • John & Kelly
    My thoughts, love and prayers are with you today. My daughter(31) and grandson(3) have seizures so I know the fear that can clutch your heart when it happens. I pray that God will give you the strength to bear this pain. Remember also that "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can not heal."
    Love, Veronica
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • John & Kelly,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you tonight. My daughter (31) and my grandson (3) have seizures, so I know the fear that can clutch your heart when the occur. I pray that God wiil soon ease your pain. Remember "Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal."
    Love, Veronica
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • During my life, I have lost a leg, and lost a son. By far, the most difficult was the loss of my son, Alex. Even those of us who have been through a similar experience, cannot know your grief. All we can do is share our love. Jett's memory will always be with you, even as his spirit moves on to its new adventure. A world is with your family in thoughts and prayers.
    Kate Novoa, Big Sur, CA
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Seeing photos of Jett on TV is a reminder of our own beautiful daughter who left this earth too early--same dark eyes, same angelic presence. I am convinced that God chose us as parents because of our ability to love unconditionally. Diana and Ron Holz - Seattle
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • One of the difficult things a parent can do is to bury there child, My prayers and thoughts are with you. Remember all the fun times and good things that happened during your time with your son. Don't dwell on things you should of done or could of done. Remember him with laughter in your hearts.
    Karen, Washington
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Very tragic and I am so sorry. My child suffers many seizures due to a brain malformation. I hope some good comes from this like AWARENESS! Everyone should in my opinion be educated and trained on what to do if you witness someone having a seizure the same way that many are for CPR. Seizures can happen for many different reasons and to anyone. Also seizures can present themselves in many ways from staring spells to fainting to someone ripping their clothes off to falling to jerking to slurring, etc. SUDEP is acronym for Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy which may be more common than reported.
    I also meant to add that even if someone was right by Travolta's son when this happened does not mean that the end result would of not been the same. That's why I mentioned (SUDEP) Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy. Those who speculate without knowing what a parent of (children of special needs regardless of what type) go through everyday emotionally, physically, financially, etc. should offer to help somehow instead of making awful and inappropriate comments. Elena Esquivel
    eesquivel 5 eesquivel 6 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • My Deepest Sympathy to the Travolta Family----I know exactly how yous feel as 2 yrs ago...jan. 13--I lost my only daughter to a massive brain seizure....she was struck by a car at age 4 and suffered massive brain injury...was never the same...she was on meds all her life....nothing was normal with her life after that...i lost my husband 10 yrs later to a heart attack....i have been a fan of yous for yrs....movies take me away fr. the harsh realities of life....all i can say is hang in there---life is still beautiful---at least yous have each other!!!fr.. jacqiue
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
    • I have to add that my daughter lived to the age of 23...having seizures all her life.....i was always there to hold her thro these except for the last 1....it is horrible for the parent...jacqiue fr.. canada
      anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago
  • this is a poem I wrote ,,I hope it will comfort you in some small way ,, my family;s hearts and prayers are with you ,,John , Kelly , and Ella Blue ,,,GOING HOME ,,,By ,,Eileen M c Dermott ,,,Don't cry for me when I am gone,,,I;m just around the corner on my way home ,,Don't cry for me when I'm not there , I had to go home for special care ,,,Don't cry for me when I am gone ,,,I'm just over the hill waiting for you to come home ,,,GOD BLESS YOU ALL
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my 16 year old august 5, 2008 and it is a pain I am still caring with me today. I pray that you will find comfort in the bible and in your family. That is what helps me get throw each day. I have a son that I disabled and he is now 7 years old and will be 8 in February 14, 2008 and the thing is, is that Dr Say that he would not make it to be 1 years old and I have to take it one day at a time with him to. Once more I am so very sorry for your loss gods bless you and your family and don’t blame your self’s. Your friend Jeannine La Point
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to your entire family. As a bereaved parent myself, I know that this is a grief like no other. Jett's loss is devastating, but I know that you will find ways in which to honor his short life. Please know that others care and that you'll be in our prayers. PamL
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • I am so sorry for your loss. losing someone you love so much hurts so much i have the same feeling. although they may not be there. they are there in spirit and know they are still in your heart and you will be protected by them no matter what happens. and again i am very sorry for your loss.
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Just watched you guys tease this story through every bumper of your show. Has syndicated celeb gossip degenerated to such a low that a man's tragedy is used to maintain viewer levels to support ad revenues? I switched the channel. It was embarrassing.
    anonymous 5 vusic 6 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • to John , Kelly , and Ella Blue ,,,,my poem i wrote ,,,GOING HOME ,,,Don't cry for me when Iam gone ,,I'm just around the corner on my way home ,,
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • Very tragic and I am so sorry. My child suffers many seizures due to a brain malformation. I hope some good comes from this like AWARENESS! Everyone should in my opinion be educated and trained on what to do if you witness someone having a seizure the same way that many are for CPR. Seizures can happen for many different reasons and to anyone. Also seizures can present themselves in many ways from staring spells to fainting to someone ripping their clothes off to falling to jerking to slurring, etc. SUDEP is acronym for Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy which may be more common than reported.
    I also meant to add that even if someone was right by Travolta's son when this happened does not mean that the end result would of not been the same. That's why I mentioned (SUDEP) Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy. Those who speculate without knowing what a parent of (children of special needs regardless of what type) go through everyday emotionally, physically, financially, etc. should offer to help somehow instead of making awful comments.
    eesquivel 5 eesquivel 6 hours ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • We are such fans of you, as an actor, but more importantly, as a quality human being. You have a lovely family and our hearts HURT at your
    loss. Our thoughts, caring and compassion are with you all.
    The Cavenders
    Tucson, AZ
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • My poem for the Travolta family ,,,Don't cry for me when I am gone ,I'm just around the corner on my way home, Don't cry for me whem I'm not there, I had to go home for special care , Don't cry for me when I am gone , I'm just over the hill waiting for you to come home
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • May GOD wrap you in his arms and soften your sorrow ,,, the world weeps with you, Heaven has acquired an angel . BLESS YOU AND MAY YOU FIND PEACE IN KNOWING YOUR SON WAS A GLORIOUS GIFT THAT GOD GAVE YOU ,,,,
    anonymous anonymous 6 hours ago Reply
  • my thoughts and prayers are with you a new star is shinning in the sky now
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • Our hearts go out to you and your family. There are no words that can bring you comfort, but by cherishing the memories that you have of your son and the wonderful times you spend with him, it will make your loss a little bit more bearable.
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • My deepest condolences to the Travolta Family at this time. May you never forget your precious child that was taken way too soon, and to receive the strength you will need to carry on. My genuine thoughts are with you.
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • My heart and prayers goes out to your family. May God bless you guys at this time of sorrow!
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • My condolences to the family. Although, I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child, I do sense the sadness and understand this is a very hard time.
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • My Love and Prayers to the Travolta's. I hope that they will use their power as a celebrity to speak more about Kawasaki Desease. Stay strong. Wilma-Everett,Washington
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • I grew up with John Travolta as a little girl and happy that he married a beautiful island girl. My heart and Love goes out to the Travolta family. It's a sad lost, our prayers are with all of you.
    Reri of Honolulu, Hawaii
    anonymous anonymous 5 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers are with each of the family in this time of sorrow. Your son will be with you always, his memories will be so prescious. In the pictures I have seen, he had his father's eyes and you could also see happiness in his expressions. May God bless each of you. Judith Watkins and family.
    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • My thought and prayers are with you. I pray for comfort for your family. Although your time with your son was short it was full of love and smiles in everyway. He was a very happy and loved child thanks to his family. So with everyday love those around you....
    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • My thought and prayers are with you. I pray for comfort for your family. Although your time with your son was short it was full of love and smiles in everyway. He was a very happy and loved child thanks to his family. So with everyday love those around you....
    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • You are in our thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. I won't tell you that I know how you feel, because I don't. As parents we can only speculate about how we would feel if our son was suddenly taken from us. Our deepest sympathies and condolences. Dean and Marjan Hoffmann Las Vegas, NV
    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • John and Kelly

    I am really sorry about what happen to your son. This sad news shocked me because I have a young sister who gets epileptical seizures.My prayers and thoughts goes to your family.
    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • No family should go through so much heartache, my deepest condolences to the Travolta family!

    anonymous anonymous 4 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John, Kelly & Ella. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this tragic time in your life. I do understand your loss and pain as my brother was taken suddenly from us 6 yrs. ago in a senseless assault. I promise you that God will heal your heart in time but you will always have your beautiful memories of your darling son and it is a comfort knowing our loved ones are in heaven and we will see them again someday.
    God's Blessings for peace, strength, comfort and courage.
    Pat from Canada
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • Being a parent who lost a child, I know it is the worst thing that could happen. There is no words that are comforting. Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • John, Kelly, and Ella...My heart goes out to you and your family during this painful time. I can not immagine the pain you must be experiencing. I will pray that you can find some kind of peace or understanding to this tragedy. Cling to one another and your faith. Although I have never met you, I love how much you love your family; it so so very evident in photos and interviews I have seen both of you in. God bless you during this time. Heather
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • I feel so badly for your family. I too have a 16 year old son and to be taken away so suddenly, at such a young age, it just isn't fair. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • the travolta pictures oozes love for each other like no other celebrity family' they must be devastated as i am at just the thought, my love and prayers for the family lori from lv
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John and Kelly,
    Although there is nothing we can say to lighten your burden, please know that you are very loved, and that there are others who really know the pain you are going through. We feel for you. If there was anything I could do to make things different, I would go to great lengths.
    anonymous anonymous 3 hours ago Reply
  • Dear John and Kelly,
    Although there is nothing we can say to lighten your burden, please know that you are very loved, and that there are others who really know the pain you are going through. We feel for you. If there was anything I could do to make things different, I would go to great lengths.
    anonymous anonymous 2 hours ago Reply
  • My prayers are with the Travolta family. I lost my 18 year old daughter. Its the last thing you think would ever happen. Your mind and soul are torn and shocked, you will never be the same. You can learn to live through it though. I wish I could help you even though I don't know you. I know your pain. This is the toughest test you will ever be put through. I pray for you the strength and courage to over come the hurt. Be patient and be good to yourselves. Jett wants you not to hurt. He loves you and that is eternal.
    anonymous anonymous 2 hours ago Reply
  • Dearest John & Family.......I have grown up watching you (just turned 40), starting with Welcome Back Kotter, Saturday Night Live, Grease, etc. You and your movies have been a huge part of my life and I have always thought highly of you, I feel like I know you even though you don't have a clue who I am. Your acting is so diverse and your personality is amazing.........great smile, generous/giving spirit, and a love for life and your family that is obvious in your every expression and gesture you leave us with. You have reached out so many times when other's have past on and I only hope you get the same kind of outpouring. I cannot begin to imagine what you and your family must be going through, but I feel very sad and heartbroken for you. I am very sorry you have to have this as one of your life experiences. Thank you for sharing your photos, you can tell you both had an amazing bond with your son as did he with you. My prayers and hugs go out to you all.
    anonymous anonymous 2 hours ago Reply
  • As 1 of Travolta's biggest fans from Down Under I'm both shocked & saddened at his familys tragic loss. Thinking of your family during this difficult time withCondolescences from Mary Wilson, Melbourne Australia xo
    anonymous anonymous 1 hour ago Reply
  • Dears Travolta Family,
    I'm sorry for your lost and I write this letter to you to tell you that have no choice you must persist.
    And be sure that your son Jett in the heaven now with A dazzling place we never knew
    But when he's a way up here It's crystal clear. That now he's in a whole new world with you. good bye Jett, you are in a whole new world, Don't you dare close your eyes. A hundred thousand of such wonderful things to see. Hold your breath - it gets better you are like a shooting star you've come so far, and go before your time, you can't go back to where you used to be, but you will be always in the memory of Love, Good bye Jett.

    Love to you all
    Mohammed Nagiib
    Sana'a - Yemen
    anonymous anonymous 1 hour ago Reply
  • i am sow soory tu es un tres bon pere
    anonymous anonymous 56 mins ago Reply
  • My heart goes out to this family during this tragedy. I know you will all get through this with time just dont forget to stick together as a family and just remember all the wonderful times you had with your son Jett. He will live on in you no matter what. His time was so shory but his life was valuable and will be remembered always due to the both of you two wonderful people bringing him into the world. I wish you all the best and will always be in my heart and prayrs.
    anonymous anonymous 38 mins ago Reply
  • sorry for their loss.. god bless their family.. T_T
    envy_me 31 envy_me 37 mins ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • To John, Kelly and Ella,
    My most heartfelt condoleances on the loss of Jett. May you find solace in one another and in the fact that Jett knew and felt your deep devotion and love for him. I cannot even begin to imagine the desperation of losing a child. I along with the many fans of your family will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, Mihaela.
    MihaelaF 5 MihaelaF 28 mins ago   Message Add to Friends Reply
  • Sorry john this is so bad all my prayers are with you!!!!
    anonymous anonymous 18 mins ago Reply
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