Top technology news headlines

Last updated: January 2, 2009 11:12 AM PST
  • Wikimedia raises $6.2 million for Wikipedia

    Foundation reaches goal of raising more than $6 million to sustain Wikipedia. The money will be used to maintain and grow the foundation's technical infrastructure.

    (Posted in Webware by Don Reisinger)
  • Chip sales slump in November

    Worldwide sales of semiconductors fell in November to $20.8 billion, a decline of nearly 10 percent from the same period the year before.

    (Posted in Nanotech - The Circuits Blog by Brooke Crothers)
  • Yet more rumors of a solar Prius

    Japanese daily reports Toyota is "secretly" developing a solar-powered Prius. But we've heard this in one form or another for at least the last year.

    (Posted in Green Tech by Candace Lombardi)
  • Daily Tidbits: Hidden features in Google mobile app

    Google's Mobile App with Voice Search for the iPhone has some extra features, and you too can engage in a "selfless" resolution for the new year.

    (Posted in Webware by Don Reisinger)
  • AMD inside Apple in 2009?

    It may be worth Apple's while to seriously consider some upcoming AMD processors.

    (Posted in Nanotech - The Circuits Blog by Brooke Crothers)
  • Microsoft planning big layoffs for January?

    The latest rumor puts the possible job cuts at 15,000, or nearly 17 percent of Microsoft's worldwide operations, with MSN getting hit hard.

    (Posted in Microsoft by Jonathan Skillings)
  • Unlocking the iPhone 3G - or maybe not

    An application with the seasonal but rather unappetizing name of Yellowsn0w has some folks tinkering away, though not always happily.

    (Posted in Apple by Jonathan Skillings)
  • Jack D. Kuehler, former IBM president, dies at 76

    Kuehler guided the company while it dominated the world's computing landscape in the 1980s.
    (From The New York Times)

  • Report: Apple's Internet presence grows

    In December, the Mac OS and the iPhone together accounted for 10 percent of what Net Applications calls market share of Internet usage.

    (Posted in Apple by Jonathan Skillings)
  • 5 tech predictions for 2009

    Will Steve Jobs announce his retirement? Will Windows 7 launch? Don Reisinger looks ahead to 2009, and asks you to share your own predictions.

    (Posted in The Digital Home by Don Reisinger)
  • Defense contractors eye cybersecurity bonanza

    Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, and others are getting ready for an expected boom in federal outlays to protect government computer networks.

    (Posted in Security by Jonathan Skillings)
  • Macintosh at 25: Still the innovation leader

    On January 24, 1984, the Macintosh came into the world, starting a revolution in personal computing. Now, all attention is turned to what Apple will introduce next.

    (Posted in Outside the Lines by Dan Farber)
  • Dell regroups around four customer segments

    Two executives, Mike Cannon and Mark Jarvis, are departing as the computer maker regroups globally around four types of customers.

    (Posted in Business Tech by Stephen Shankland)
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  • Photos: The mouse (and even better ideas) that roared 40 years ago
  • Photos: Searching the heavens for life
Images: NASA looks back on 2008

Space agency reflects on a year of advances and discoveries in space exploration, climate tracking, and even swimsuits.

Photos: The mouse (and even better ideas) that roared 40 years ago

Forty years ago, Doug Engelbart and fellow researchers at the Stanford Research Institute gave a demonstration in San Francisco that ...

Photos: Searching the heavens for life

The Hat Creek Radio Observatory in Northern California is home of the Allen Telescope Array, a collection of radio antennas ...

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