Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Home

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  • The Netherlands and China hold talks on human rights
    16-Jan-2009 | On Thursday 15 January a Chinese delegation visited the Netherlands to discuss human rights in both countries. These consultations with China are held annually.
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  • Dutch art popular worldwide
    15-Jan-2009 | Culture minister Ronald Plasterk and European affairs minister Frans Timmermans are determined to put Dutch art and culture on the map. In their letter to the House of Representatives entitled ‘Art without Borders’, they describe art and culture policy up to 2012.
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  • The Netherlands supports democratisation in Indonesia
    15-Jan-2009 | The Netherlands supports Indonesia’s programme for democratisation and reform, said foreign minister Maxime Verhagen on Tuesday following discussions in Jakarta with President Susilo Yudhoyono, Vice President Yusuf Kalla, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hassan Wirajuda.
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  • The Netherlands indignant at strike on UN office in Gaza
    15-Jan-2009 | The Netherlands has expressed indignation at the Israeli strike on UNWRA headquarters in Gaza, which set warehouses ablaze and claimed several victims.
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  • Verhagen expresses deep regret to surviving relatives of Rawagedeh dead
    14-Jan-2009 | ‘The Dutch government again expresses its deep regret about the Dutch actions that led to the deaths of your familiy members and many others in your village,’ said foreign minister Maxime Verhagen during a meeting at the Dutch embassy in Jakarta with relatives of those killed in the Indonesian village of Rawagedeh in 1947.
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