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PNG Capacity Development Showcase

The PNG leg of the AusAID Capacity Development Showcase will be held in Port Moresby on November 13. The showcase will draw on expertise from AusAID's Capacity Development panel with a specific focus on recent capacity development work in PNG.

Mr McMullan at warehouse launch

Joint Emergency Stores Warehouse Opened

Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, today opened the Joint Emergency Stores Warehouse in Brisbane, a partnership between the Australian Government and three humanitarian relief agencies.

Asia-Pacific Development to Suffer in Global Financial Crisis

Asia-Pacific Development to Suffer in Global Financial Crisis

Developing countries around the world face significant challenges from the ongoing financial crisis in the developed world.

Business for Millennium Development

Business for Millennium Development National Summit

The B4MD Summit focused on how Australian businesses can create new opportunities by aligning themselves with the Millennium Development Goals.

Philippino schoolgirl with Australian flag

Education, poverty and malaria support for the Philippines

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith announced further support during the Philippines-Australia Ministerial Meeting on October 8-9 2008.

Senator McMullan with Australian High Commission Staff in Accra, Ghana.

Accra - Smarter Aid, Better Results

Australia has signed up to a new global agenda for aid reform, one that strives for a smarter approach to delivering aid.

New edition of Focus

New Edition of Focus

Volume 23, Number 2, October - December 2008: The theme is the mid-term report for the Millennium Development Goals, the global campaign to end poverty.

One Just World

One Just World

A national series of free forums on global poverty featuring high-profile international and Australian speakers continues on Wednesday 29 October in Melbourne.

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Office of Develop-
ment Effectiveness

The Office of Develop-
ment Effectiveness evaluates and analyses Australia’s development results.

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Millennium Development Goals

The eight MDGs are a blueprint agreed by the international community for fighting poverty and advancing development.

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Addressing food insecurity is a priority of the Australian Government.

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Environment and Climate Change

Environmental protection and climate change are central to Australia's international poverty reduction efforts.

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and Sanitation

Safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are central to combating disease.



About 80% of the world’s population with a disability live in developing countries.

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5 million people are now living with HIV/AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region


Aid Close Up Stories

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Australian Development Gateway

The ADG website provides a range of resources and free services to support the development professsional.


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