Fifth Annual Forum for the SADC National AIDS Authorities

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14-16 October 2008, Pretoria, South Africa

Press Release

The Fifth Forum of the SADC National AIDS Authorities was held at Saint George Hotel in Pretoria, South Africa, from 14th to 16th October 2008. It was attended by representatives of the National AIDS Authorities and Ministries of Health from 12 of the 15 Member States. Other delegates included representatives of International Cooperating Partners. The theme of the meeting was “Planning for an Accelerated Response to HIV and AIDS in the SADC Region: A Regional Approach to a Common Problem". The main purpose was to review the 2007 draft Epidemic Report for the SADC Region and the draft Updated SADC Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (2009-2015). In addition, the Member States (MS) shared information on achievements and challenges in the implementation of their National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plans.

The meeting acknowledged the progress being made by the region in implementation of the Maseru Declaration on the response to HIV and AIDS and other Regional and Global commitments. In particular, the meeting noted with appreciation that there has been an upward trend in the provision of medicines (antiretroviral therapy (ARV)) and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT). However, the meeting underscored the need to further scale-up in order to meet the Universal Access targets on prevention and treatment.

The meeting noted during the presentation of the Epidemic Report that HIV prevalence in the region is stabilizing but at high levels. The meeting noted that multiple and concurrent partnerships and lack of consistent use of condoms remain the main drivers of the epidemic. The meeting therefore agreed that the regional response should continue to focus on prevention and behaviour change communication particularly targeting youth and men.

The meeting recommended prompt implementation of the recently approved guideline ‘SADC Harmonised HIV and AIDS Surveillance Framework” in order to facilitate harmonised methods and timing for comparability.

The meeting noted the Draft Updated Strategic Framework for the period 2009-2015 and recommended improvements on the draft to facilitate finalization by end of February for submission to SADC policy structures for approval.

On resource mobilization, the meeting noted the establishment of the SADC Fund and that the funds were available to support MS. The meeting further noted the need for a Regional Task Team on Resource Mobilization and Rationalization.

The meeting noted progress reports provided by Member States on implementation of their National Strategic Frameworks, which served as a useful opportunity for sharing information and best practices. These included the scale up of access to PMTCT and ART, communication on sexuality and HIV, youth life skills initiatives, increased leadership participation from public and civil society sectors, institutionalised provision of home based care by community-based carers and innovative advances in participation of tradition healers; food and education support to OVC; and effective behaviour change communication which has resulted in sharp declines in prevalence.

The main challenge which was common across the Member States was human resources skills and capacity.

The meeting further noted technical presentations and documentation on emerging concepts and developments in the regional HIV and AIDS response. These included status of Clinical Trials in the SADC Region; the new Smart Tube Technology which reduces the HIV window period; a review of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Africa as well as the proposed Model Law on HIV and AIDS.

The meeting thanked the Government of South Africa for being an excellent host.
