What Is The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) is a federally coordinated, public/private partnership, the purpose of which is to manage, coordinate and deploy an integrated national medical response. This capability assists state and local authorities to deal with the medical and other effects of major natural disasters, emergencies, or terrorist events.


NDMS began in 1984 and works as a partnership between the Departments of Health and Human Services (where NDMS was first located), the department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Homeland Security. The System has three components: direct medical care; patient evacuation; and definitive care. NDMS was created as a nationwide medical response system to: supplement state and local medical resources during disasters and emergencies; provide back-up medical support to the military and VA health care systems during an overseas conventional conflict; and to promote development of community based disaster medical systems. The availability of beds in civilian hospitals is coordinated by the VA and DOD through a system of Federal Coordinating Centers.

The NDMS medical response component is comprised of over 9,000 private sector medical, mortuary, veterinary medical and support personnel organized into 107 teams across the nation.

Current Activities

In 2003, NDMS (along with other components of the Office of Emergency Preparedness) was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security, and then into FEMA. Some activities were placed in the Preparedness Division (Noble Training Center and the Metropolitan Medical Response System program, which has since been moved to the DHS Office of Domestic Preparedness). Other activities were placed in the Response Division – some were placed in the Logistics Branch and the Response Operations Branch. The NDMS/medical section was retained in the Operations Branch.

As currently structured, the NDMS Section is responsible for team management, deployment, training, and staffing.

Deployment Activities

NDMS provides the lead for medical response during disasters and other events. Activities/functions/responsibilities include:

Types of NDMS Deployments

While the rest of FEMA only operates during Presidentially declared disasters and events (Stafford Act), NDMS deploys for other types of activities as well, including:

Last Modified: Wednesday, 30-Aug-2006 14:42:38 EDT