M.10 Floodplain Mapping Submittal Standards

Summary of questions/comments received for the Floodplain Mapping section on DHS Interactive and responses provided through October 3, 2008.

Topic Comment Response
Coastal For both Coastal Redelineation and Coastal Digital Conversion, recommend making S_BFE "if applicable." These sections of the document currently state the list of spatial files should be provided 'if applicable'.
Certification Form The Certification Form requires a P.E. signature; however, the document states a Registered Land Surveyor is an acceptable certifier. Additionally, terrain data should be able to be certified by an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist. This should be listed on the form. The form was changed to read: 'This form must be signed by an appropriate representative of the firm or agency, who is a registered or certified professional, contracted to perform the work in compliance with Federal and State regulations.'

Last Modified: Wednesday, 29-Oct-2008 09:45:30 EDT