General Comments or Cross-Cutting Issues

Summary of questions/comments received as General Comments on DHS Interactive and responses provided through October 3, 2008.

Topic Comment Response
Document Layout Recommendation was made to enhance formatting of the document to assist users in easy navigating. Document layout was enhanced as suggested in the revised version of DCS posted in late September 2008.
Metadata Recommend specifying which metadata profile applies to each section. Also, clarify the acceptable Source Citation abbreviations if a domain will be used to enforce them during review. FEMA/FGDC metadata profiles are available on the MIP via "Tools and Links" for all MIP workflow steps discussed in the DCS document except for scoping and post-preliminary submittals.
Basin-based submittals Provide information and examples of how basin-based submittals should be organized, named, documented, and submitted. The NSP has been working with the MIP team to define data submittal requirements and procedures for basin-wide projects. These guidelines will be provided to Mapping Partners as soon as they are finalized. These guidelines will also be incorporated in the next update of Appendix M scheduled to be issued in early 2009.
Geodatabase Types Clarify what type(s) of ESRI geodatabases will be accepted. The hydrology section specifies PGDB, survey section lists personal or file-based, most other sections don't specify. Are file-based GDBs acceptable? If not, why? Only personal geodatabases will be acceptable. Since the advantages of the file geodatabases are not needed for this use and it is more practical for FEMA to manage a single geodatabase data type, the personal geodatabase format was selected.
GIS Spatial Requirements Recommend consistency in defining numeric items that have decimals. Some tables have an extra column for decimal width, others use a convention of length, decimals (e.g., 8,2 ) to define length and decimals. Comment noted and the document has been updated to address these issues.
XML Schema Please provide an XML schema of the spatial and non-spatial tables, including domains. The XML schema was issued along with the revised DCS in late September 2008.
Profile file formats Are DXF files acceptable for profiles? The Floodplain Mapping section lists both DWG and DXF as acceptable file formats. Other sections only list DWG files. All sections should be consistent. Yes, DXF file format is acceptable and is the recommended format.
FBS Self-Certification Recommend noting in each section for which it applies that FBS self-certification is required. It is currently only discussed in the GIS Spatial Requirements section. FBS self-certification is required after FIRMs are issued preliminary and after the LFD issuance if there were changes to the preliminary SFHA boundaries. Section M.10 Floodplain Mapping Submittal Standards requires submittal of self-certification for redelineation and digital conversion projects. For other types of study methods, a section is added in the revised DCS to specify submittal requirements for additional documents created during post-preliminary phase of studies such as the FBS self-certification.

Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Oct-2008 07:44:30 EDT