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Learn & Teach > Educator Resources

Educator Resources
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For teaching made easy! This page provides resources that will make teaching about the Everglades easy and fun! You can download the Teacher's Guide with lesson plans for The Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades, sign-up for educator updates or share lesson plans. Please note the movies may take a few moments to load.

How can we support you? Please let us know what we can do to help you bring the Everglades into your classroom. E-mail Erica Robbins with your ideas and requests.

Everglade Reading Listarrow Everglades Reading List
The new Everglades Reading List is a great place to learn about the Greater Everglades Ecosystem and related topics. You can filter searches by genre, reading level or language.

Please visit our booth at the Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) Conference at the Double Tree Hotel in Orlando, Florida

  • Friday Oct. 24, 2008 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday Oct 25, 2008 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

arrow Decorate your classroom with Everglades Bulletin Board Characters!
Introduce new Everglades lessons with bulletin board characters featured in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers educational materials. Download, print and put them up!

bb mobile iconEverglades Mobile Collector's Edition No. 1 Bulletin Board Characters (919 kb, PDF)
(Wood Stork, Largemouth Bass, Florida Panther Cub and American Crocodile in color)

bb storybook iconWayne Drop Storybook Bulletin Board Characters (767 kb, PDF)
(Wayne Drop, Wayne Drop and Wood Stork, and Wayne Drop and Largemouth bass in color)

bb coloring book iconWayne Drop Coloring Book Bulletin Board Characters (295 kb, PDF)
(Wood Stork, Largemouth Bass, Florida Panther Cub and American Crocodile in black & white)


Wayne Drop Coloring Book
arrow View and print The Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades Coloring Book
Download the PDF (1 mb, PDF)
mobile iconarrow View and print our Animals of the Everglades mobile
Download the PDF (101 mb, PDF)

The Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades (Storybook)
PDF version is available in English, Spanish & Creole

View the animated interactive Flash version now.

Download and take it with you!
Download the interactive storybook to your computer, then save it anywhere else you want. Put it on a flash drive, burn it to CD, put it on your laptop or load onto student computers. This is a stand-alone file, that doesn't require Internet access or other programs to run.

PDF versions:

google earth imagearrows Teach with Technology
Enrich your Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades lessons by linking to an awesome resource for exploring your world: Google Earth Download Google Earth for free at

Fly from space to your school or home, using satellite imagery. Then follow The Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades using Google Earth.

1) Click on Florida or search for Kissimmee, Florida and travel south through the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, following the Kissimmee River to Lake Okeechobee.

2) Head west on the Caloosahatchee River to the Gulf of Mexico, East on the St. Lucie River to the Atlantic Ocean, or south through the patchwork of farms in the Everglades Agricultural Area.

3) Continue south through the unique ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades, and follow the flow pattern southwest to the estuary of Florida Bay, where your journey ends.

Teacher's Guide & Lesson Plans
The Journey of Wayne Drop to the Everglades (Elementary Level)

Interactive Teacher's Guide (Flash version)

Download and print the PDF version (2.3 mb) - Copy and paste from the PDF directly into your lesson plans!

Florida Sunshine State Standard Benchmark Correlations in PDF format (757 kb) - Copy and paste from the PDF directly into your lesson plans!

Download and take it with you!
Download the interactive teacher's guide to your computer, then save it anywhere else you want. Put it on a flash drive, burn it to CD, put it on your laptop or any computer. This is a stand-alone file, that doesn't require Internet access or other programs to run.

More Great Lesson Plans, Extensions & Resources!
Download other lesson plans below. To be notified when new plans or resources are released, sign-up for educator updates.

Submit a Lesson Plan
(Pre-K through College Level)
Do you have a fantastic lesson plan you would like to share? E-mail Erica Robbins at

animated poster Poster:
Journey Through the KOE Watershed

This beautiful, two-sided poster, is part of the Everglades: An American Treasure program packet for middle and high school teachers. It explores the journey of water through the Kissimmee - Okeechobee - Everglades (KOE) Watershed.

Download Poster - Side 1 (895 kb, PDF)
Download Poster - Side 2 (1.3 mb, PDF)

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