Our program helps residents of Louisiana affected by Hurricane Katrina or Rita get back into their homes.

Homeowner Program Stats
as of december 29, 2008

Eligible Applicants:                         152,276

Completed applications:               137,605

       Closed:                                      120,911

       No funding/Zero awards:        14,143

       Declined awards:                     2,551

Amount of Awards Disbursed:   $7.5 billion

Average Award Disbursed:           $62,598

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  2. Arrow Road Home Glossary
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  10. Arrow Statement of Principles
Patsy and James on the road home - It feels good to be home again. - Read more.
This Web site meets Bobby ComplianceOptical separator Visit the Equal Housing Opportunity Web site Optical separator Visit The Louisiana Recovery Authority web site Optical separator Visit the Louisiana Disaster Recovery Unit Web site



The Road Home Program
PO Box 4549
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Phone: 1.888.ROAD.2.LA (1.888.762.3252)
TTY callers use 7.1.1 relay or 1.800.846.5277
E-mail: inquiry@road2LA.org

Copyright 2007, The Road Home Program. All rights reserved.
Program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Housing centers are accessible and reasonable accomodations will be provided as requested.