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Meth Resources and Links

Attorney General Lisa Madigan provides links to other Web sites where Illinoisans can learn more about:

  Addiction and Treatment
  Information on LGBT Treatment Resources  
  Community Coalitions and Other Prevention Strategies
  Drug Courts
  Meth Lab Cleanup  
  Meth Resource Map (Illinois Counties)
General Information About Meth Back to top

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
General facts about meth and meth use; information regarding initiatives, busts, and arrests by the DEA; statistics and charts related to the number of times meth (and other drugs) are mentioned in emergency departments; and maps of all meth lab seizures since 1999.

KCI - The Anti Meth Site
Information for recovering meth addicts, their families, their loved ones, and others seeking help. Includes a reference library, meth abuse discussion board, meth stories and letters from readers/users, and a meth abuse recovery chat room.
Drug-related information for writers and feature journalists. Includes detailed information about methamphetamine and other drugs, along with numerous links to additional resources.

Drug War Facts
Information with applicable citations on important public health and criminal justice issues. Includes a list of methamphetamine facts with full citations and links to the sources of those facts.

Narconon International
Information regarding meth and meth addiction, including the three patterns of abuse, general information, and a meth timeline.

Institute for Intergovernmental Research
Information for law enforcement research and training. Includes a question and answer guide that addresses key concerns regarding meth and provides pertinent pictures.
Information on meth and meth addiction, statistics, news, and links to other resources.

Addiction and Treatment Back to top

The American Public Health Association (APHA)
Influences public policies and sets priorities for public health.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine
Works to educate physicians and improve the treatment of individuals suffering from addiction.

The Federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
Produces treatment improvement protocols, which outline effective treatment strategies for methamphetamine addiction.

The Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Works to improve the quality and availability of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitative services to reduce illness, death, disability, and costs to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illness. Includes current research, examples of successful efforts, and available funding resources, as well as a searchable directory of drug and alcohol treatment programs around the country.

Great River Recovery Resources
Provides substance abuse treatment services and is a leader in Illinois on meth treatment. Through a project sponsored by the Illinois Department of Human Services, offers a manual for treatment professionals that reflects the most effective methods and techniques to treat methamphetamine users.

The Illinois Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (OASA)
Designs, coordinates, and funds a comprehensive and coordinated community-based, culturally sensitive, and gender-appropriate array of services throughout the state for prevention, intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation of alcohol and other drug abuse and dependency. Includes a treatment facility locator.

The Matrix Institute
Offers treatment, education, and research on substance abuse. The Matrix model is an intensive outpatient approach shown to reduce methamphetamine use.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Offers networking opportunities, NA literature, and locations of local NA chapters (with more than 31,000 weekly meetings in over 100 countries worldwide).

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Supports over 85 percent of the world's research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction.


Treatment Resources for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Community Back to top


Members of the LGBT community can face unique challenges in their struggle to overcome meth addiction. Here is a list of treatment providers in the Chicago area with programs designed specifically for LGBT meth abusers and their loved ones.

Center on Halsted
The Center on Halsted offers, among other programs, the LGBT Family & Partner Support Group. This is an eight-week support group for persons with family members or significant others who are struggling with substance abuse. The group creates a safe, therapeutic environment for members to process feelings of anger, frustration, and helplessness and to share thoughts and strategies about how to cope and to improve their circumstances.
961 W. Montanta, Chicago
Call for schedule of services.
(773) 472-6469, ext. 261

Crystal Meth Anonymous
Ongoing 12-step group meetings held at several Chicago locations
(312) 371-6610 and (773) 348-2533

The Haymarket Center
Multiple programs and locations throughout Chicago, including:
4750 N. Sheridan
120 N. Sangamon
(312) 226-7984

Howard Brown Health Center Recovering with Pride Program
Recovering with Pride is an integrated LGBT treatment program incorporating mental health therapy, medical care, and substance abuse counseling to address the whole person. Some insurance plans available; sliding scale available. Outpatient services offered six days a week. The Crystal Clear track-a treatment program structured to address the particular challenges of meth abuse, addiction, and recovery-begins late summer 2005. No-charge slots are available for this program.
4025 N. Sheridan, Chicago
For additional information or to schedule a free initial assessment, call Paul Fressola at (773) 388-8905 or Vanessa Ford at (773) 524-3153.

The Howard Brown Center also offers Contemplations, a Saturday drop-in session for members of the LGBT community who may be questioning their substance abuse, recently stopped using, or just want to learn more about the effects of drugs and alcohol. No registration required, and no fee is charged.
Saturdays, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
4015 N. Sheridan, Chicago
Call Vanessa at (773) 524-3153 for more information.

Valeo at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital
Valeo provides comprehensive psychiatric and addiction-related treatment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning individuals. The program offers a safe, affirming therapeutic environment for members of the LGBTQ community.
4840 N. Marine Dr., Chicago
(800) 888-0560

Community Coalitions and other Prevention Strategies Back to top

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Provides information on the Drug-Free Communities Support Program and alternative funding sources for anti-drug coalitions.

Community Partners, Inc.
Creates opportunities to develop and sustain community solutions by fostering relationships among individuals, organizations, and systems. Includes many useful resources for developing coalitions.

The Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Works to improve the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, treatment, and rehabilitative services. Includes current research, examples of successful efforts, and available funding resources.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Builds and strengthens the capacity of community coalitions to create safe, healthy, and drug-free communities; provides technical assistance and training, public policy, media strategies and marketing programs, conferences, and special events. Includes information on public policy, research and training opportunities, funding sources, and coalition building.

National Civic League
Advocates for the issues of community democracy; encourages citizens to be actively engaged in the process of self-governance and to work in partnership with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors of society. Includes resources and research spotlighting cutting-edge innovation and trends, including community stories, publications, speeches, and links to related organizations.

Alliance for Justice
Works to advance the cause of justice for all Americans, strengthen the public interest community's ability to influence public policy, and foster the next generation of advocates. Their Nonprofit Advocacy Project works to give tax-exempt organizations a better understanding of the laws that govern their participation in the policy process.

National Crime Prevention Council
Serves as a source of aid to individuals, neighborhoods, communities, and governments. Offers a wide range of information related to crime prevention, public awareness, public policy issues, training and technical assistance, pilot projects, and free publications.

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Offers an extensive searchable database and a regional information system consisting of state clearinghouses, prevention resource centers, and organizations supporting substance abuse prevention activities.

Join Together Online
Offers a comprehensive network of free Internet services supporting community-based efforts to address substance abuse and gun violence.

Illinois Coalition for Community Services
Assists communities in creating indigenous grassroots organizations to identify needs, assess strengths, and organize volunteers. Provides technical assistance for numerous activities.

Prevention First, Inc.
Provides access to their extensive substance abuse prevention library and information about current trainings and publications.

Illinois Community Action Association
Serves the collective interests of its 40 member agencies by providing programs and activities in the areas of representation, education, information exchange, advocacy, and other support services. Provides access to a forum for Illinois coalitions.

The Illinois Alcohol and Drug Dependence Association
Advocates for sound public policy that will create healthier families and safer communities; educates government officials; and works to increase the public's understanding of substance abuse and addiction. Provides tips on how to access government officials, news on prevention and substance abuse programs, and links to other resources.

The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS)
Offers a variety of resources, including research, evidence-based approaches, funding, and technical assistance. Illinois' prevention community network includes a comprehensive mix of local, regional, and state programs, including 127 prevention providers such as educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and treatment centers.

The Fellowship House Treatment and Prevention Center
Employs prevention staff and takes an exemplary role in school-based prevention efforts. For more information on community- and school-based substance abuse prevention, contact Donna King or Kim Buckles-Tucker at 618-833-4460 or

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Works to bring the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. Provides information on drug prevention strategies, primarily through NIDA publications.

North Central Regional Educational Laboratory
Provides high quality, research-based resources to educators and policymakers in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Provides information on drug prevention strategies and programs, primarily in a school setting.

The Center for Prevention Research and Development
Offers a wide variety of services such as training and consultation, grant writing, program development, and database management.

The Illinois Drug Education Alliance
Offers guidance to parents, youths, schools, and communities that are developing prevention initiatives.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration's Web Site
Offers a lengthy list of funding sources.

Drug Courts Back to top

National Association of Drug Court Professionals
Provides education, research, and scholarship for drug courts and other court-based intervention programs.

Drug Court Technology Resource Center
Offers an online forum for drug court practitioners that provides tools and information for implementing programs.

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Provides leadership and assistance in support of local criminal justice strategies to achieve safe communities. BJA programs emphasize enhanced coordination and cooperation of federal, state, and local efforts.

Drug Court Planning Initiative
Helps communities develop effective adult, juvenile, family, and tribal drug court programs.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Offers justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.

Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Offers technical assistance, research, and strategic planning to Illinois courts. To learn more about their support of drug courts, contact Dave Gasperin by phone at 217-785-0413 or by mail at 816 S. College St., Springfield, IL 62704.

Illinois Association of Drug Court Professionals
Provides assistance, education, and training to treatment and court professionals, and promotes the drug court model and the development of new drug courts in Illinois.

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Works to improve the administration of criminal justice. Offers information, research and analysis, policy and planning resources, and grants administration.

  Meth Lab Cleanup Back to top
  Illinois Department of Public Health

Information about meth and meth labs; guidelines for cleaning up former methamphetamine labs.

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