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Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon

Missouri Sunshine Law

Missouri's commitment to openness in government

Missouri's Sunshine Law is the embodiment of Missouri's commitment to openness in government. And Chapter 610 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri is the foundation of what has become known as Missouri's Sunshine Law.

Missouri Sunshine Law applies to all public governmental bodies

“It is the public policy of this state that meetings, records, votes, actions, and deliberations of public governmental bodies be open to the public unless otherwise provided by law.”

Missouri Sunshine Law website

The Missouri Sunshine Law portion of the Attorney General's website is a resource to help Missourians understand Missouri Sunshine Law and its implications for Missouri's public and quasi-public governmental bodies, members of those bodies, those that conduct business with a public governmental body and private citizens.

In particular, this website contains:

Other Sunshine Law Resources

The Attorney General's Office Missouri Sunshine Law publication is available in pdf format.

SUNSHINE WEEK web site, featuring news, tools and resources relating to "Open Government"

The federal government also has a sunshine law requiring public governmental bodies to open their meetings and records to the public. Find out more about the Freedom of Information Act and how to investigate that law further.

The official text of Chapter 610, Revised Statutes of Missouri.

A blog dedicated to Missouri Sunshine Law.

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