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Whats It Like to Volunteer?
Five Minutes With...:
Volunteersolunteers share their thoughts on everything from housing and food to staying in touch, community life, and the real details of Peace Corps work… in only five short minutes.

  Todd Fowler Todd Fowler
"At first I was hesitant about living with a host family, but it has turned out to be one of the greatest things about this whole experience. My host mother always jokes that I am her long-lost son who has finally come home after 23 years studying abroad."

  Kara Garbe Kara Garbe
"I live in a small community. My house is made out of mud bricks. There's a cement floor and a metal roof. I have a small courtyard that gives me some privacy, and I sleep outside in the courtyard during the hot season in March, April, and May."

  Jan Le
"I never thought I could wash my clothes without a washing machine. I never thought I would be fluent in another foreign language. I never thought I could live without a television or driving a car. Most of all I have learned a lot about myself and how to survive without the luxuries that life in the United States has to offer."

  Connie Warren Connie Warren
"I'm in natural resource management. Some gardeners in my village told me of their need for a generator pump. They need to get the water from the river up to the gardens in the village. Right now they have a pump with a foot pedal. But they're getting on in age, and they can't all work the foot pedal... So this is a big issue for the gardeners right now, just to get one pump."

  Tifany Frazier
"My first placement was El Salvador until April 2002. I was a water, sanitation, and health Volunteer who worked with the Salvadorian Ministry of Health. I accepted the position of being one of the first four Volunteers to reenter Peru since the program reopened in 2002, after 27 years."

  Mohamad A. Chakaki Mohamad A. Chakaki
"I've been back to Syria, I've been back to Saudi Arabia and to many countries in the Middle East, and I know how the systems there work, but I always wondered whether I actually could work within that system. I wanted to be able to teach and to help people. And you really do get a chance to do it (in the Peace Corps). It's a challenge. It did not set me back in any way. I gained teaching experience and I gained language skills."

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