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Welcome to Project TADS
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Check out our recent guides and let us know what you think.
If you have thoughts, materials, ideas, needs or suggestions that you'd like to share, please email us at tads@jbsinternational.com or by phone at 1-800-656-3011.
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Project TADS is supported by the Corporation for National and Community Services to provide training and technical assistance to their grantees for disaster services initiatives. We can provide Disaster Services projects with resources, support and guidance on:

  • Organization and partnership building,
  • Volunteer recruitment and retention,
  • Model programs and best practices,
  • Project design, planning, marketing and evaluation, and
  • Public education and awareness.

    Our goal is to be responsive to your needs. In order to accomplish this, we will need your input. Throughout the year, Project TADS staff will be contacting CNCS staff and grantees to find out what is working well in the projects, and activities that we may want to share and highlight. We will also be looking for opportunities for collaboration and cross program training.

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