Seal of CommonWealth of Kentucky
Employer Services

You may post your job openings with the Office of Employment and Training. Our agency will match active Job Seekers in our database against your Job Post, screen the seeker making sure they meet your Job Post requirements and refer them to you for an interview.

Search for a job

You may search for a job anywhere in the world. This requires no account or registration information.

Register for employment and other services / Create or change an on-line Resume

You may register for employment and other services with the Department for Workforce Investment, its agencies, contractors and partners. Registration will create an on-line resume. If you are a returning user, you can update your existing registration and resume.

Create a Job Scout / Save your Job Search

You may enter job searches and save them so you can run them again when you return to the system, or you can have results sent directly to your email. This feature requires you to be registered.

Explore Other Sites

For assistance in choosing a zip code location visit

To locate the services you need at a convenient Career One-Stop Center in your area visit

To find information about the requirements of an occupation, job-seeking skills, resume and interviewing information, etc visit the most extensive career resource library online

To find labor market information such as wages and income, area and regional profiles, employers and training providers visit

For information about unemployment insurance, veterans programs or to find a local employment office or One-Stop Center visit

Unbridal Spirit

If you need additional assistance with your Resume or Job Search
please click here to contact your local One-Stop Center.

If you encounter problems while viewing this site, please contact the site administrator

Copyright © 2006. Commonwealth of Kentucky. All rights reserved.