our projects: china

ALM assists leprosy projects in Guizhou Province, especially projects to help patients avoid crippling disabilities. ALM-supported projects distribute footwear to protect insensitive feet from injury. The 2006 Budget for China is $221,132. Gifts to cure may be made online.

Visit to China

Dr. Hugh Cross is ALM’s POD (Prevention of Disability) Specialist for Asia. Recently he hiked into some of the most remote, inaccessible villages in Guizhou China to visit people with leprosy who’d been banished to these isolated “prisons.” Instead of bars they were entrapped by steep mountains and slippery trails lame feet could not manage. They were separated forever from the love of husbands, wives and children. Separated from the schools, villages, and neighbors of their youth…of their memories.

GUIZHOU : The state of people living in these remote Guizhou villages is generally desperate, but I felt particularly moved by the plight of Zhang Wan Qian. He is about 55 years old. He has always lived alone and has no family. His hands are deformed and his feet have savage ulcers. To cap his plight, he is blind in both eyes. He receives no help from anybody because he is afraid that they may steal his monthly allowance which comprises: 50 kilograms of rice, 1 kilogram of salt, 2 boxes of matches and 2 pieces of soap. He also receives 12 RMB ($1. 25) a month. He must cook for himself; but because he has no sensation, he has badly burned hands. I could see no reason why this man might actually want to be alive. His darkness seems so complete.

Please keep this man in your thoughts. It would be so nice for him to find a trustworthy friend to help him.

Please continue your support to ALM and to people like Zhang Wan Qian. Thank you.