about alm: president’s message

A message from ALM president Chris Doyle

Dear friends,

American Leprosy Missions and its worldwide Christian and government partners want to reach every child with leprosy before crippling deformities assault their hands, feet, eyes, and spirits.

We will go to mountains, cities, jungles and deserts to let people know that today leprosy can be cured.

As we seek to be a channel of Christ's love, restoring leprosy-affected people in body and spirit, we invite your support. I hope as you visit our website and meet some of the mothers, fathers and children we serve, your heart will be touched to raise your prayers with ours - and hopefully your financial support - so that no child will have to suffer the damage of untreated leprosy ever again.

Thank you for stopping at this page. Please contact us if you have questions about our ministry.

In His Service,

Christopher J. Doyle
President, American Leprosy Missions

ALM president Chris Doyle shares a hug with Jeeva, a young girl from India cured by donors like you.

You can help stop the suffering
of kids like Jeeva!