donation info: how your donations are used

Your gifts to ALM help locate people with leprosy - especially children - and begin curing them before disabilities maim hands, feet, and eyes.

ALM-supported workers in fifteen countries are actively finding those with leprosy in jungles, mountains, cities, rural villages, urban slums, and even refugee centers.

Your gifts train leprosy healthworkers, purchase jeeps and motorbikes, set up offices, labs, and clinics, and provide hospital care. You provide protective shoes for insensitive feet, scholarship assistance for children of leprosy-affected families, and vocational help for people trying to put their lives back together.

Your gifts provide Bibles, pastoral support, and assistance to Christian missionaries. You provide eye surgery, artificial limbs, wheelchairs, housing, and much more.

Click here to make a gift, or email your questions to

visit www.ecfa.orgALM is a member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability ( and meets the standards of the National Charities Information Bureau (



Your donations help provide eye surgeries to patients in leprosy hospitals worldwide.

To continue this wonderful work,
click here.

American Leprosy Missions is in compliance with Better Business Bureau standards for charitable accountability.