about alm: alm history

American Leprosy Missions was begun in 1906 by Christian missionaries. In those days, healthworkers could do little more than provide clean bandages, a safe haven, and Christian love.

Today leprosy can be cured. During the early 1980s, ALM became one of the first agencies to use the new multidrug therapy (MDT) in its projects to cure leprosy.

For decades, ALM has supported specialized leprosy hospitals, missions, and government leprosy campaigns.

This "top-down" model is gradually being replaced by a model of "integrated care." This means that leprosy services are provided in general health centers by general health workers. It also means community-based services that are provided with other medical, social, and economic services. Leprosy patients do not need to be isolated from the general population.

ALM's vision remains constant. Yesterday and today, we are Christ's servants, freeing the world of leprosy.

With your help, ALM has provided hope to millions of leprosy patients throughout the world.