
International Humanitarian Aid Organisation

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Saving Lives through Sanitation

Saving Lives through Sanitation. Imagine a place where almost every family loses a child to preventable diseases like diarrhoea.

Imagine a place where almost every family loses a child to preventable diseases like diarrhoea.
Contribute today to Medair’s Water and Sanitation projects.

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Integrated Emergency Programme Begins in Burao, Togdheer Region, Somaliland

Somalia -

International NGO Medair launches an integrated emergency response in Burao, in the Togdheer region of Somaliland, where the effects of drought and displacement threaten the lives and livelihoods of 20,000 displaced people, along with 105,000 urban...

Medair resumes emergency health care in conflict-embattled eastern Congo

D.R. Congo -

Less than a week after being forced to swiftly evacuate from Dungu town, Medair staff have returned with essential medicines to provide emergency relief for thousands of Congolese in Dungu town and the surrounding region.



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Water, Hygiene, and Communities in Southern Kordofan

Sudan (Northern States) -

Over the past year, Medair’s Water and Sanitation (WatSan) staff in Kadugli have been busy, fielding many requests for assistance from the surrounding community.

The Need for Shelter & Infrastructure

Sectors of Expertise -

Medair Serves World’s Most Vulnerable People

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