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Global Food Crisis

Global Food Crisis

The global food crisis still threatens the health and well-being of millions of people around the world.
Ben Affleck visits IMC program in Congo

Ben Affleck visits IMC program in Congo

Actor/Director seeks to raise awareness about the impact of war

December 05, 2008 - World AIDS Day 2008

IMC staff members working in the field share their experiences.

The Green Famine

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Marathoning Across the Middle East

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“I Have Lost Everything”

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A Long Journey Home

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Taking on AIDS in Kenya

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Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating

IMC Receives Fourth Consecutive 4-Star Rating

Click here to watch "Emergency in Darfur," a TV documentary about IMC's humanitarian efforts

2007 Annual Report

2007 Annual Report

From Relief to Self-Reliance
(15.5 MB PDF file)

IMC has received tax-exempt status as a publicly supported organization as provided by the Internal Revenue Code under section 501(c) (3) and the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701 (d). IMC's tax identification number is 95-3949646.