Hope-Filled Initiatives

CitiHope International follows a humanitarian relief strategy of focusing resources on a few major world areas to make a significant difference in the lives of children, families and communities.

CitiHope strives to uphold the values of stewardship, integrity and compassion exampled through concrete actions of people of faith.

Since 1990, CitiHope has procured, shipped and distributed over $500 million in medicine, medical supplies, nutritional and developmental resources worldwide.

Focus countries for 2008 are Belarus, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan and Malawi. These countries represent Hope-Filled Initiatives being carried out today! Lives are being saved and changed forever thanks to American generosity and compassion.

Our work may begin with a cup of warm soup and a piece of bread - or a delivery of basic antibiotics - but in the hands of people of faith it becomes a foundation to restore hope and dignity.

CitiHope deeply appreciates the trust afforded by its private donors and corporate partners. Join with us - make a difference in the lives of needy people today!

Operation Provide Hope Success Story

During the summer Baktybek was admitted to the National Hospital in Bishkek with a large abdominal haematoma. Until just recently Baktybek was the bread-winner in his family. He has four school-age children and his wife is a homemaker. When he got sick his entire income had to be used to purchase bandages and syringes, etc. But his family didn’t have money to buy the necessary antibiotics that would provide effective treatment.

In the Kyrgyz Republic, patients’ families are expected to privately purchase needed pharmaceuticals and medical supplies through pharmacies when the hospital cannot supply what is needed. One of the essential medicines Baktybek needed was Rocephin which costs approximately $200 for a ten-day course of treatment. Baktybek’s monthly income is $88.

Baktybek’s condition was severe; his doctors said he could die without immediate surgery and adequate doses of modern, highly effective antibiotics. However, thanks to Roche’s humanitarian donation of Rocephin, delivered to the hospital by CitiHope International, he quickly recovered and was even able to walk unaided on the fifth day following surgery. Baktybek was in the hospital for a month where he received a ten-day complex antibacterial treatment of Rocephin.

Baktybek expressed deep gratitude for the immense assistance provided to him through the State Department’s humanitarian assistance program.

All ten physicians in the surgery department received good clinical practice in Rocephin usage through this humanitarian delivery. All noted the high effectiveness of Rocephin as compared to similar medicines manufactured in Russia or China. The Kyrgyz physicians said that Rocephin’s action is noticeable on the 2nd day of its usage, and that patients almost never manifest any side effects.

CitiHope International has been an implementing partner for the U.S. Department of State’s Operation Provide Hope humanitarian program in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1997.


Click on the map below to see what CitiHope is doing in each region.


A timely donation of "Intron A" from Schering-Plough gave these Kyrgyz children a chance at life!


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  • CHI and OCE Announce New School Opening for Haitians in Dominican Republic, September 2008
  • Malawi Rice for Education Report, September 2008
  • Malawi Bolero Zone Rice Monitoring Report, September 2008
  • Kyrgyzstan Monitoring Report, August 2008
  • Kyrgyzstan Urgent Neonatal Request, August 2008
  • Belarus Update Report, July 2008
  • Kyrgyzstan National Center of Motherhood and Childhood's Protection Distribution Report, July 2008


    Donate today to assist children and families in America and around the world experiencing hardship and crisis due to poor nutrition, unsafe water, lack of medicine and emergency conditions. Let's make a difference together! Click on the link below to donate via PayPal, or send a check to CitiHope at PO Box 38, Andes, NY 13731.