American Jewish World Service (AJWS) is an international development organization motivated to Judaism's imperative to pursue justice.

Global Spotlight

Turning Up the Volume on Women’s Voices: Hasina Khan, Mumbai Human Rights Defender

Still reeling from November's vicious attacks, Mumbaikars look to the future. Will communal violence erupt between Hindus and Muslims? Will economic class disparity, now exposed like never before, continue to deteriorate? Will the struggle for women’s rights be eclipsed by the war on terror? More arrow

AJWS News + Events

Volunteer application deadlines fast approaching!

Thinking of volunteering with AJWS this year? The deadline for the next cohort of World Partners is January 30th. Volunteer Summer 2009 deadline is February 2nd.

AJWS Statement on Madoff Scandal

AJWS did not invest with Bernard Madoff, but we sympathize with several of our good friends and supporters who lost significant amounts of money. While we do not yet know the extent to which Mr. Madoff’s alleged crimes will ultimately impact AJWS, we are certain that the entire Jewish philanthropic community must now adjust to a reality where fewer resources are available to maintain the critical support that beneficiaries desperately need.

Click here to read the statement in its entirety.

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About AJWS

American Jewish World Service (AJWS) is an international development organization motivated by Judaism's imperative to pursue justice. More arrow