Lutheran World Relief
Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.
Emergencies Our Work News Contribute Advocacy Be Involved Fair Trade Quick Links Resources


Site Map:

> Lutheran World Relief Home Page

> About Lutheran World Relief
> Mission Satement
> Vision Statement
> Headquarters and U.S. Staff
> Lutheran World Relief's Bi-Monthly Newsletter - TOTO
> Contact Lutheran World Relief
> Directions to LWR
> Lutheran World Relief Resource Materials
> Jobs, Employment Opportunities
> U.S. Staff
> Board of Directors
> 2007 Annual Report
> 2006 Annual Report
> 2005 Annual Report
> 2004 Annual Report
> 2003 Annual Report
> LWR 990 Form Year Ended 9/30/2007
> LWR 990 Form Year Ended 9/30/2006
> LWR 990 Form Year Ended 9/30/2005
> LWR 990 Form Year Ended 9/30/2004
> Community Quilt
> Wave of Giving - Tsunami
> Fill the Bowl

> Emergencies

> Zimbabwe Crisis
> Honduras Crisis
> Congo Crisis
> Pakistan Earthquake
> Haiti/Caribbean Hurricane Relief
> India/Bihar Floods
> Georgia Conflict
> Myanmar/Burma Cyclone
> China Earthquake
> Global Food Crisis
> Peru Earthquake
> Aid the People of Sudan

> News from Lutheran World Relief

> Lutheran World Relief In The News

> How We Work

> Where We Work

> Latin America

Central America

> El Salvador
> Honduras
> Nicaragua

Andean region

> Bolivia
> Colombia
> Peru

> Give Peace A Place in Colombia

> Asia and the Middle East

> India
> Indonesia
> Nepal
> Philippines
> Sri Lanka

> Africa

East Africa

> Kenya
> Sudan
> Tanzania
> Uganda

West Africa

> Burkino Faso
> Mali
> Niger

> Advocacy

> Join Lutheran World Relief's Email Advocacy Network
> Advocacy Resources

> Stand With Africa - A Campaign of Hope

> Advocacy for Africa
> "Standing With Africa" - By LWR President, Kathryn Wolford
> Burkino Faso — Local Integrated Development for the Boulgou Region
> East Africa — Maximizing the Impact of Successful HIV/AIDS Prevention...

> Mali—Consolidating Development, Baramondougou

> Senegal — Helping Communities Respond to the HIV Epidemic...
> Uganda — Educating AIDS Orphans in Kyoter

> Give Peace a Place in Colombia

> Campaign to Ban Landmines

> Debt Relief

> Is Debt Relief Making a Difference?


> Contribute to the Programs of Lutheran World Relief

> Good Stewards Plan Their Gifts
> Good Stewards (Sometimes) Donate Stock or Mutual Funds
> Please consider remembering LWR in your will or estate plan
> Monthly Giving Program
> Lutheran World Relief's 2005 Annual Report

> Be Involved with Lutheran World Relief

> Fair Trade Principles

> Study Tours

> Virtual University

> Discussion Forum

> Fair Trade Coffee Project

> The LWR Coffee Project: your role in fair trade.
> How to participate in the LWR Coffee Project:
> Grounds for Hope: the LWR Coffee Project video
> Equal Exchange: LWR's fair trade partner
> The 90 Ton Challenge - Pour Justice to the Brim
> How to Order Fair Trade Coffee
> Fair Trade Coffee Project Resources

> The coffee crisis: four million farmers and their families at risk
> A simple solution: fair trade
> Tanzania is as close as your coffee cup
> A Hill of Beans
> Coffee crisis: thanks to God and fair trade we're not starving
> Lutherans Pursue Good Coffee Fairly
> Brewing Faith and Coffee
> Coffee - A Bitter Cup?
> Fair Trade - A Taste of Justice
> Thank You Procter & Gamble

> Fair Trade Chocolate Project

> Fair trade means better lives for cocoa farmers.
> The LWR Chocolate Project: your role in fair trade.
> Participate in the Lutheran World Relief Fair Trade Chocolate Project
> Four Easy Ways to Order Fair Trade Chocolate
> Fair Trade Chocolate Project Parish Resource Materials
> SERRV International: Lutheran World Relief's Fair Trade Partner

> Fair Trade Handcraft Project

> Host a Fair Trade Fair
> Order Fair Trade Handcrafts
> Fair trade crafts preserve culture and livelihoods
> A Greater Gift: SERRV International: Lutheran World Relief's Fair Trade Partner

> Quilts

> Good Samaritan Quilt Plaza
> Parish Groups

> Layettes

> Health Kits

> School Kits

> Sewing Kits

> Sewing Fabric

> Soap

> How Material Material Resources Get There

> 2007 Material Resources Shipping Chart
> How to Pack and Where to Send
> Raise Money to Contribute to Project Comfort
> Material Resources - From the Field

External Links

Bread for the World
Lutherans in Medical Mission
AlertNet - humanitarian aid and disaster news
Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffee
SERRV International - Gifts that make a difference
Divine Fair Trade Chocolate
TransFair USA - Fair Trade Certified
Thank Procter & Gamble for Selling Fair Trade Coffee
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Lutheran World Federation
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod






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Lutheran World Relief | 700 Light Street | Baltimore, Maryland 21230 USA | 800-LWR-LWR-2 |

Copyright © 1997- 2009 Lutheran World Relief.

This page was last modified on: January 5, 2009

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