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About the Peace Corps

What are the Benefits?
Educational Benefits / Fellows/USA / Become a Partner University

To follow is information about Fellows/USA program development and the process for starting a new partnership. This information is also available via the U.S. mail or e-mail along with a "Fellows at a Glance" chart that lists current Fellows/USA programs and their offerings. For questions or assistance, call 202.692.1440 or 800.424.8580, ext. 1440; or e-mail

What Is Fellows/USA?

Peace Corps Fellows/USA is a graduate fellowship program for returned Peace Corps Volunteers. As Peace Corps Fellows, returned Volunteers use the skills and experiences they gained overseas to work with underserved communities in the United States while they pursue graduate studies at reduced cost. Fellows/USA is a collaboration of universities, public school systems, community agencies, the Peace Corps, and the Fellows themselves. Its partners highly value the unique perspectives and special skills that former Volunteers bring to classrooms and communities.

Benefits to University Partners

Through affiliation with the program, universities gain continuing access to potential, current, and returned Volunteers through the Peace Corps website, the 11 Peace Corps regional offices in the United States, and the more than 70 Peace Corps offices around the world. In addition, universities can take advantage of the annual meeting of on-campus Fellows/USA program coordinators.

How Does a University Begin a Program?

A Fellows/USA program usually begins with a university faculty or staff member who is aware of a need in an underserved community near the university and is willing to commit to establishing a program on his or her campus. This individual writes a proposal for the establishment of a program and submits it to the Peace Corps.

The proposal should provide information on the community problem the program would address, the university and community resources (human, financial, organizational, etc.) available to support the program, the academic program(s) to be offered, and the budget, including how the program would be funded.

The university is responsible for all administrative costs of the program, and for providing specific financial benefits to the Fellows, e.g. in-state tuition rates or other tuition waivers, relocation allowances, assistantships, fellowships, etc.

Examples of possible funding sources are donations from foundations or businesses, contributions from the community partners that provide the Fellows' internships, Work Study funds, or grants such as those of AmeriCorps. To be strong and viable, a Fellows/USA program needs a "champion" in the program coordinator, i.e. someone willing to commit the time and energy required to sustain a program.

A Need, a Resource, and a Partnership
Do you have need for Fellows' service in your community or school district?
Chronology of Program Development and Implementation
Learn the steps to develop a program.
Program Proposal Guidelines
Topics to be addressed in a Fellows/USA program proposal.

Questions? Contact the Fellows/USA coordinator at:

Peace Corps Fellows/USA Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters 1111 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20526

Phone: 800.424.8580 ext. 1440


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