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AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo™2009

April 30 - May 4, Philadelphia     

Join AAM on a journey of experimentation, The Museum Experiment, and learn what it means for your museum to remain real and relevant.

It's not the economy that drives museums forward; it's the power of imagination and innovation: your ideas, your vision, and your passion.

City Hall Image

Why will more than 6,000 colleagues from across the United States and more than 55 countries gather for four days this spring in Philadelphia?

Because the AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo™ is where museum professionals go to learn, share, connect with colleagues, and have fun! It's Where Ideas Live!

                   Annual Meeting Advance Program Adobe Acrobat Logo 

We would like to thank the following sponsors:

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AAM wishes to thank The Pew Charitable Trust and William Penn Foundation for their support of the 2009 AAM Annual Meeting.


Pew Charitable Trust Logo


William Penn Foundation Logo


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