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Constitution and Bylaws

AAM Constitution

By Steven High, AAM Board of Directors

Over the past year, the Governance Committee of the AAM Board reviewed the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization for compliance with current practices of the organization and to provide a constitutional framework for moving forward on AAM’s Strategic Vision.  Notable changes recommended by the Governance Committee include eliminating membership restrictions on Independent Professionals and creating flexibility in the size of the Board to allow for greater participation by membership.  In addition, AAM’s attorneys have strongly suggested that AAM adopt the District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporations Act (the “New Act”), which became law in 1962 and replaced the older version under which AAM was incorporated.   Important features of the New Act are its allowance for the use of modern communication techniques (telephonic and email) and the use of electronic balloting of the membership, elements that ease the ability for Board and members to communicate and which save considerable costs for the organization.

At its November meeting, the AAM Board resolved to recommend to the membership of AAM that they adopt the attached changes to the Constitution.  We are asking the membership to approve these changes to bring the organization’s Constitution current with contemporary practice, to allow Independent Professionals a full voice in our organization, to provide for future expansion of the Board, and to allow for greater organizational flexibility in the future.


Procedural Note

Mary Bowie, AAM Vice President

The full redlined text of the suggested Constitutional changes is here on AAM’s website.   To vote, return the ballot which you received in Museum® magazine to the address specified NO LATER THAN close of business, February 20th 2009.  There will be a special meeting on Monday, February 23, 2009 at the AAM offices, where the Vice President of the Association will cast ballots as directed.

Download our amended Constitution and Bylaws  Adobe Acrobat Logo December 2008
Download our Constitution and Bylaws Adobe Acrobat Logo





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