The Society of American Archivists
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Society of
American Archivists

17 North State Street
Suite 1425
Chicago, IL 60602-3315
tel 312/606-0722
fax 312/606-0728
toll-free 866/722-7858



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Associated Organizations & Associations


Organizations, associations, and groups related to or of interest to the archival profession.


Directory of Archival Organizations in the United States and Canada

This directory lists national, regional, state, local and provincial archival associations in the United States and Canada.

International Archival Organizations

A listing of archival organizations outside of the United States.

Associated Professional Organizations

A listing of organizations whose members share similar professional interests and job responsibilities to those of archivists.

Official Representatives and Coalitions

The SAA President or Council appoints members to serve as representatives to a number of important committees and bodies outside of the Society of American Archivists.

Repository of Primary Sources (maintained by Terry Abraham)

A listing of over 3400 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Archives Portal

An international gateway for archivists and archives users.

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Conference Schedule and Online Registration Form


Pubs Catalog 2009

Online Publications Catalog