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Trước khi trận bão Katrina, Giáo Xứ Maria Nữ Vương Việt Nam đã từng được những Nhà Báo chú ý đến về những sinh hoạt của Giáo Xứ. Sau khi trận bão Katrina đã tàn phá vùng đông ngạn, sự nổ lực của giáo dân muốn trở lại tái thiết vùng đông ngạn đã càng làm cho các Nhà Báo thêm chú ý hơn. Ngoài những tin tức về Giáo Xứ, quý vị còn tìm thấy những tin tức về những cá nhân thuộc trong Giáo Xứ.

The New York Times
A New Landfill in New Orleans Sets Off a Battle May 8, 2006
►►Xem     ►►Đọc
Sustained by Close Ties, Vietnamese Toil to Rebuild Oct. 20, 2005
Vietnamese Immigrants Swell Catholic Clergy April 24, 2000

CNN (CNN Money)
New Orleans: An immigrant community thrives Aug. 10, 2007

Los Angeles Times
Neighbors Make Good-Faith Effort Nov. 6, 2005

Postcard from New Orleans June 20, 2007

PBS Frontline
New Orleans: A Village Called Versailles Aug. 28, 2008

WGNO-TV (ABC 26 News)
New Orleans East Neighbors Protests Proposed Landfill April 6, 2006
Landfill dispute in New Orleans East Vietnamese April 3, 2006
►►Xem (cần có RealPlayer, Download RealPlayer)
Vietnamese community in New Orleans formally endorsed a candidate for Mayor April 3, 2006
►►Xem (cần có RealPlayer, Download RealPlayer)
Not In My Backyard April 3, 2006
N.O. East Holds Mayoral Forum April 2, 2006

Neighbors are key to recovery, study says Nov. 25, 2007
Vietnamese church resowing tradition Nov. 25, 2007
Promises to be kept Sep. 9, 2006
East N.O. priest personifies resilience Sep. 3, 2006
Strength to lead the charge
Aug. 29, 2006
Landfill permit may expire July 14, 2006
Second lawsuit blasts east N.O. landfill July 08, 2006
Landfill is not toxic, say city and La. July 01, 2006
Mediator sent to resolve landfill feud June 27, 2006
DOWN, BUT NOT OUT June 16, 2006
House committee kills bill to allow closing of landfill June 13, 2006
June 11, 2006
Federal agency enters debate over landfill June 6, 2006
Chef Menteur landfill testing called a farce May 26, 2006
Shut down landfill, groups ask judge April 26, 2006
Storm debris landfill is OK'd
April 14, 2006
Eastern N.O. rips landfill proposal April 4, 2006
UNDER THE RADAR Nov. 27, 2005
UNSHAKEN FAITH Oct. 24, 2005
'Home' has new meaning Oct. 22, 2005

WDSU-TV (Channel 6 News)
DEQ: Landfill Next To Vietnamese Community Safe June 13, 2006
Lawmakers Shoot Down N.O. East Landfill Bill June 13, 2006
Waste Management Halts N.O. East Dump Testing May 16, 2006
►►Xem: New Orleans East Landfill Trouble Continues May 10, 2006
Landfill Proposal Upsets Vietnamese Community April 3, 2006

WVUE (FOX 8 News)
Landfill Dispute Reaches White House  June 27, 2006
NO East Residents Upset About Landfill Still Open May 11, 2006
Nagin Issues Moratorium on NO East Dumping May 10, 2006
Landfill May 05, 2006
New Landfill Opening in New Orleans East April 13, 2006
New Orleans East Trailer Frustration Dec 19, 2005

WWLTV.COM (Channel 4 News)
In the Zone: Alcee Fortier neighborhood Mar 13, 2008
Judge: Keep landfill closed
Aug 15, 2006
Controversial landfill will remain open Aug 11, 2006
Controversial New Orleans East landfill will close July 13, 2006
Another suit filed over N.O. East landfill July 07, 2006
Lab tests say Chef Highway landfill not contaminated June 30, 2006
DEQ: Landfill next to Vietnamese community safe June 30, 2006
White House liaison in town to help solve controversial landfill dispute June 27, 2006
►►Xem     ►►Đọc
Notes and quotes from the Louisiana Legislature June 13, 2006
Committee shoots down attempt to close N.O. East landfill June 12, 2006
Federal agency cautions Corps on New Orleans landfill June 5, 2006
New Orleans East landfill continues to cause controversy June 2, 2006
Environmentalists, Nagin at odds again over New Orleans landfill May 26, 206
N.O. East landfill remains temporarily closed May 17, 2006
Testing yet to be done at landfill as 'no dumping' order set to expire May 16, 2006
Scientists performing tests on soil at controversial landfill May 15, 2006
N.O. East community outraged over continued dumping at a controversial landfill May 11, 2006
City temporarily suspends dumping at N.O. East landfill May 10, 2006
Bill targets closure of controversial landfill in New Orleans May 9, 2006
Disputed landfill approved for eastern New Orleans April 14, 2006
Controversial landfill set to open in N.O. East April 14, 2006
Controversial landfill proposal gets green light by DEQ April 13, 2006
Vietnamese-Americans protest idea of landfill in N.O. East April 7, 2006
New landfill turns into latest rebuilding hurdle April 6, 2006
N.O. East residents don't want new landfill built near their church April 3, 2006
Vietnamese community returning quickly in N.O. East March 10, 2006

WBRZ-TV (The Advocate)
Federal judge denies landfill request Aug. 16, 2006
Nagin orders landfill closed July 14, 2006
Critics argue DEQ landfill tests faulty July 01, 2006
LSU researcher: Landfill too porous June 30, 2006
DEQ: Landfill next to Vietnamese community safe June 30, 2006
Officials reject plan targeting N.O. landfill June 16, 2006
Group sues DEQ over disposal of debris May 08, 2006
Debris removal need trumps protests May 08, 2006
Failure to halt landfill doesn’t stop activists April 28, 2006
Environmentalists consider landfill action April 14, 2006

Disaster News Network
Lanfill angers East New Orleans June 6, 2006

A controversial New Orleans landfill is set to close, but eco-disaster still looms
Aug. 10, 2006

Louisiana Weekly
The Miracle of Versailles: New Orleans Vietnamese Community Rebuilds Jan. 23, 06

Reuters Foundation (AlertNet)
Katrina cleanup sparks fear of toxic trash June 13, 2006
New Orleans' Vietnamese draw strength from past Feb. 04, 06

Stories of struggle thru the voices of survivors Aug. 29, 06
Do-it-Yourself Disaster Relief Snubs New Orleans Planners Feb. 02, 06

VOA (Voice of America)
Vietnamese-American Katrina Victims Pull Together Sep. 26, 05
Vietnamese Nuns Aid Katrina Victims Sep. 09, 05

VN News (Đất Việt)
Làng Việt Ở New Orleans Bắt Đầu Xây Dựng Lại
Oct. 26, 2005

Resurrecting the Church after Katrina Oct. 28, 2005
Hurricane Katrina Victims Recover from ‘Tragic Shock’ Sep. 19, 05
In Storm's Wake
Sep. 09, 05

Radio Free Asia (RFA)
Hàng Giáo phẩm Việt Nam ở Baton Rouge trợ giúp nạn nhân bão Katrina
Sept. 13, 2005  ►►Nghe     ►►Đọc 

Clarion Herald

Msgr. Dominic Luong to become first Vietnamese-born bishop in U.S. May 7, 2003
Msgr. Luong rewarded for work with migrants Jan. 6, 2000

OC Register
First Vietnamese Bishop in U.S. receives ordination June 12, 2003

Msgr. Dominic Dinh Mai Luong Named Auxiliary Bishop of Orange April 24, 2003

Vietnamese remember their 'saint' April 4, 2005


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