Rebuild Iowa Office

Governor Chet Culver &
Lt. Governor Patty Judge
, RIO Executive Director

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Rebuilding Iowa...

Recovery doesn’t end when the storms have passed and the waters have receded. It continues long past when the power is turned back on and the initial cleanup is finished. Full recovery means assessing where we are and determining the best path forward to rebuild safer, stronger and smarter than before.

The Rebuild Iowa Office was established by Governor Chet Culver to coordinate the state-wide recovery effort after the floods, tornadoes and severe weather of 2008. Iowans have just experienced one of the most devastating series of natural disasters in our state’s history. Now, in true Iowa spirit, it’s time to rebuild.

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Rebuild Iowa Office
Wallace Building   |   502 E. Ninth Street   |   Des Moines, IA 50319    |   (515) 242-5004