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- President George W. Bush

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Saturday, August 06, 2005

The White House - USA Freedom Corps
Contact: Press Office

Director of USA Freedom Corps Addresses 2005 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, Introduces HHS Secretary Leavitt


Director of USA Freedom Corps Addresses 2005 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, Introduces HHS Secretary LeavittWhat a pleasure it is to be back with you at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service.

I want to take a moment to thank the Corporation for National and Community Service and Points of Light Foundation staff for putting together what has become the premier conference on service in America.  Thank you for your dedication and your leadership.

This is an exciting time for all of us who care about national and community service.

As you know, Corporation programs received strong bipartisan support from the House and Senate, from Democrats and Republicans.  Thanks to the President’s leadership and the committed efforts of so many of you, momentum for our common cause continues to build.

And more important than what’s happening here in Washington is what’s happening in communities across America.  Citizens are engaged; individuals are involved; people are volunteering.

In fact, since President Bush issued his call to service in 2002, we know that more than 5 million more Americans are serving than did just two years ago.  As the President said moments ago, it is your leadership that is helping to make this progress possible.  You are mobilizing America’s volunteers and providing the opportunities for millions of individuals to serve a cause greater than themselves.  All of us at USA Freedom Corps are committed to walking by your side as we pursue these goals together.

The President charged us with capitalizing on a unique moment in history to bring about a lasting change in America.  He asked all of us to work toward creating a new culture of service and responsibility; a culture where engaged citizens give back to their communities and serve their neighbors in need.

Let me take a few minutes to share how USA Freedom Corps is contributing to this mission.  Because while our purpose is simple; our work is not.

As a reminder, we’re not another non-profit.  We’re not another government agency.  We’re not trying to run any programs of our own.

We are, on the other hand, an advocate—your advocate—at the White House.

We are a convener.  We’re working to bring people together, and to connect groups from across government and the non-profit world toward shared objectives.

We are an enabler.  We seek to empower the best of the private sector, to mobilize civil society rather than supplant it.

We are a platform.  As an office of the White House, we can bring visibility to good programs, and to provide leadership on important issues. 

Most importantly, we are a resource.  We are a resource for individual Americans, helping them find opportunities to serve in their communities.  And we are a resource for you, helping you promote and expand volunteer service in America.

To that end, the President has cast a bold vision for the days ahead.  Let me share with you the President’s priority areas for national and community service. 

Today, we are working to engage the Baby Boomer generation in service, expand youth volunteerism, and increase volunteer service among education communities.  We are also working closely with First Lady Laura Bush to address the needs of at-risk youth by supporting the President’s Helping America’s Youth initiative.  This initiative is geared toward empowering families, schools and communities to promote healthier futures for disadvantaged young people across America.   I appreciate the Corporation’s efforts to help us implement the President’s bold vision.

Now, I will do my duty and introduce our keynote speaker!

As Director of USA Freedom Corps, I have the privilege of working with many dedicated and talented members of the Bush Administration. It is my honor to introduce one of them to you today. As Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Mike Leavitt leads national efforts to protect the health of all Americans and provide essential human services to those in need. Prior to his current service, Leavitt served as Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Governor of Utah.

He has seen first hand how volunteers and national service programs improve the quality of life for millions of Americans, and how volunteering itself can lead to a healthier America.

It’s my privilege to welcome the Honorable Mike Leavitt.
