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Current Feature Articles

  • Jan 09 Surfin': Getting Heathkit Manuals and Getting Smart
  • Jan 06 Youth@HamRadio.Fun: A Small Island, a Young Ham and a Whole Lot of Spirit!
  • Jan 05 ARRL In Action: What Have We Been Up To Lately?
  • Jan 02 Surfin': Check Out One Heck of a Mode
  • Jan 02 The Amateur Radio Crossword Puzzler
  • Jan 01 It Seems to Us: Triple Play!
  • Dec 29 Amateur Radio Quiz: Puzzled at Times
  • Dec 29 Men of Goodwill
  • Dec 26 Surfin': Returning to Smart Phones and Antique QSLs
  • Dec 22 "PUTTING IT DOWN"

    ARRL Products:
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    Basic Antennas -- Now Shipping! -- An introduction to antennas--basic concepts, practical designs, and easy-to-build antennas!

    The ARRL Satellite Handbook -- Now Shipping! -- First Edition. Explore, track and operate ham radio satellites!

    ARRL Periodicals CD-ROM 2008 -- Now Shipping! -- All of the 2008 issues of ARRL's membership journal, QST, ARRL's technical magazine, QEX, and the National Contest Journal (NCJ) on a fully searchable CD-ROM.

    The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications -- Now Shipping! -- THE standard in applied electronics and communications.

    50 Years of Innovation w/ Bonus Calendar -- Now Shipping! -- This guided tour of more than 400 legendary radios from 1930 to 1980, depicts the “golden age” of American radio technology.

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    Amateur Radio News and Features
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    Earlier Stories

    Attention All Amateurs...

    Earthquake Strikes Costa Rica, Emergency Ham Frequency Declared (Jan 9, 2009) -- On Thursday, January 8 at 1921 UTC, an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck the Central American country of Costa Rica. The earthquake, with an epicenter located about 22 miles northeast of San Jose, comes after a series of almost 60 seismic events that have rocked the country since early this week. The Radio Club de Costa Rica (RCCR) -- that country's IARU Member-Society -- is monitoring local repeaters and 7090 kHz. IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Coordinator Cesar Pio Santos, HR2P, requests that 7090 kHz be kept clear of non-essential traffic due to possible emergency communications dealing with the earthquake. The ARRL encourages all amateurs to be aware of the emergency operations on this frequency. US amateurs should avoid interfering with Spanish language SSB while using digital modes.
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    ARRL Board of Directors, Standing Committees to Meet in Connecticut Next Week (Jan 9, 2009) -- The ARRL Board of Directors holds their annual meeting of 2009 January 16-17 in Windsor, Connecticut, with Directors, Vice Directors and ARRL Board officers in attendance. The meeting will be preceded on Thursday, January 15, with meetings of the Administration and Finance Committee and the Programs and Services Committee.
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    The K7RA Solar Update (Jan 9, 2009) -- On Wednesday, January 7, a sunspot appeared very briefly in the lower right portion of the Sun's image. It was so brief that NOAA did not record it on the Space Weather Prediction Center's daily solar data chart for that day. reported a sunspot number of 11 for the day, and the magnetic polarity was consistent with a new Solar Cycle 24 spot. Today, January 9, there is another Solar Cycle 24 appearance, this time on the upper left of the image. Sunspot numbers for January 1-7 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0 with a mean of 0. The 10.7 cm flux was 68.9, 69.9, 69.5, 68.8, 69.2, 68.7 and 69 with a mean of 69.1. The estimated planetary A indices were 6, 3, 9, 4, 4, 3 and 3 with a mean of 4.6. The estimated mid-latitude A indices were 5, 3, 8, 5, 3, 2 and 1 with a mean of 3.9.
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    Feature: Surfin': Getting Heathkit Manuals and Getting Smart (Jan 9, 2009) -- This week's Surfin' looks for old Amateur Radio manuals online and finds a ham radio in a recent flick.
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    One Mode Down, Two to Go! (Jan 8, 2009) -- With the advent of the ARRL's Triple Play Award, on-air participation has reached a level of excitement not seen in recent years. This new, exciting award is available to all amateurs who confirm contacts with each of the 50 states using three modes for each state: CW, phone and RTTY/digital. All 150 contacts must be made on or after the January 1, 2009 and must be confirmed via Logbook of The World (LoTW). All bands -- with the exception of 60 meters -- may be used in pursuit of the Triple Play Award.
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    Nominations Sought For 2009 Dayton Hamvention® Awards (Jan 8, 2009) -- The Dayton Hamvention® is accepting nominations for its 2009 awards. Do you know an outstanding amateur in your club, community or from on-the-air contacts? Does this person excel in some phase of Amateur Radio? Do you feel this person deserves worldwide recognition? All radio amateurs are eligible. The deadline for nominations is February 18, 2009. The winners will be recognized at the 2009 Hamvention, May 15-17.
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    The 2008 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM Now Shipping (Jan 7, 2009) -- The 2008 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM is now available and includes the complete 2008 fully searchable collection of three ARRL journals -- QST, QEX, and National Contest Journal (NCJ). In addition, the CD-ROM includes source code for software projects and PC board patterns, Section News, as well as the ever-popular Contest Soapbox and Contest Results. Search the full text of every article by entering titles, call signs or names. See every word, photo -- most in color -- drawing and table in technical and general-interest features, columns and product reviews, plus all advertisements. Print what you see, or copy it into other applications. System requirements: Microsoft Windows and Macintosh systems, using the industry standard Adobe Acrobat Reader software. CD-ROMs for other years are also available.
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    ARRL Continuing Education Online Course Registration (Jan 7, 2009) -- Registration remains open through Sunday, January 25, 2009, for these online course sessions beginning on Friday, February 6, 2009: Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 1; Radio Frequency Interference; Antenna Design and Construction; Technician License Course; Analog Electronics, and Digital Electronics.
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    ARRL DXCC Desk Approves T61AA Operation (Jan 7, 2009) -- ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, reports that the license for the T61AA operation in Afghanistan has been updated. "If you had cards that were recently rejected for this operation, please send an e-mail to the ARRL DXCC Desk and you will be placed on the list for update," Moore said.
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    DXpedition to Desecheo Gets Ready to Roll (Jan 7, 2009 [REVISED Jan 7, 2009 09:59 ET]) -- Six members of the February 2009 KP5 Desecheo DXpedition team met in Puerto Rico the week of December 17-21. According to team co-leader Bob Allphin, K4UEE, the team visited US Fish and Wildlife Headquarters in Boqueron and met with the Chief Refuge Manager and law enforcement personnel in preparation for the DXpedition, set to start February 12.
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    Feature: Youth@HamRadio.Fun: A Small Island, a Young Ham and a Whole Lot of Spirit! (Jan 6, 2009) -- Mercer Island is a small island in Washington, located a few miles outside of Seattle; it has a population of approximately 22,000 people. The local radio club on the island is the Mercer Island Radio Operators (MIRO), W7MIR. MIRO is always prepared to aide with communications in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. Alex Banbury, KE7WUD, is proud to call himself the youngest member of MIRO, and possibly the youngest ham on the island!
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    Gary L. Robinson, WB8ROL, Wins December QST Cover Plaque Award (Jan 6, 2009) -- The winner of the QST Cover Plaque Award for December is Gary L. Robinson, WB8ROL, for his article "Ghost QSOs -- Olivia Returns from the Noise." Congratulations, Gary! The winner of the QST Cover Plaque award -- given to the author or authors of the best article in each issue -- is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll Web page. Cast a ballot for your favorite article in the January issue by Saturday, January 31.
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    FCC Commissioners: Now There Are Four (Jan 5, 2009) -- The term of FCC Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate, a Republican from Tennessee, came to an end on January 3 as the 111th Congress convened for the first time. Originally selected by President Bush to fill the unexpired term of then-Chairman Michael Powell, Tate joined the Commission in 2005. In June 2007, Bush announced his intention to nominate Tate to a full five year term, but when the Senate failed to confirm her nomination by the close of the 110th Congress, Tate's tenure as a Commissioner came to a close.
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    Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites Scholarship Applications (Jan 5, 2009) -- The non-profit Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) is now accepting applications for 48 scholarships for the academic year 2009-2010 to assist radio amateurs pursuing higher education. FAR fully funds two of scholarships and administers 46 others without cost on behalf of various club and individual donors. Amateur Radio licensees pursuing a full-time course of study beyond high school and accepted by or enrolled in an accredited university, college or technical school are eligible to apply. Scholarship grants range from $500 to $5000, and preference in some cases goes to applicants living in particular geographical areas or pursuing certain studies. Non-US residents are eligible to apply for some of the scholarships. FAR encourages clubs -- especially those in California, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin -- to announce these scholarship opportunities at meetings, in newsletters, during training classes, on nets and on their Web sites. More information and an application form may be requested by letter via e-mail or by sending a QSL card postmarked prior to March 30, 2009, to FAR Scholarships, PO Box 831, Riverdale, MD 20738. The application deadline is May 1, 2009. Headquartered in Washington, DC, FAR consists of more than 75 area Amateur Radio Clubs. FAR is devoted to promoting the interests of Amateur Radio and those scientific, literary and educational pursuits that advance the purposes of the Amateur Radio Service.
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    Son Charged with Murder of Florida Ham (Jan 5, 2009) -- Robert Farley, of Lakeland Florida, has been charged with first degree murder in the death of his father Walter Farley, K4QE, also of Lakeland. The Ledger, a newspaper in Farley's hometown, reported that authorities allege Robert killed his father New Year's Eve during an argument over family matters. Walter Farley was 93. Authorities said that on Saturday, January 3, Robert Farley confessed to the killing and led detectives to a lake where he had discarded the murder weapon; the weapon was recovered by dive team members later that afternoon. Walter Farley served in the US Army during World War II as a telephone and radio repairman. He fixed tape recorders for the blind and was involved with the local historical society. A member of the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, Walter was active on local Nets.
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    Earlier Stories

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