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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Corporation for National and Community Service
CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724

U.S. House Passes Resolution Marking AmeriCorps Week

Washington D.C. - The U.S. House of Representatives today expressed its strong appreciation for AmeriCorps and its important contribution to our nation by overwhelmingly passing a resolution recognizing May 11-18 as AmeriCorps Week.

House Resolution 1173, which passed this afternoon by a 344-69 vote, “acknowledges the significant accomplishments of the AmeriCorps members, alumni, and community partners; recognizes the important contributions to the lives of our citizens by AmeriCorps members; and encourages citizens of all ages to consider serving in AmeriCorps.” (Full text below)

The bipartisan resolution was introduced on May 5 by Doris Matsui (D-CA), Co-Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus. A similar resolution has been introduced in the U.S. Senate (S.Res.548) by Senators Dodd (D-CT) and Cochran (R-MS) and 22 other cosponsors, and dozens of Governors and Mayors have issued AmeriCorps Week proclamations.

On the House floor, several speakers noted AmeriCorps’ growth and impact, citing the fact that AmeriCorps 540,000 members have contributed more than 705 million hours of service since the program’s inception in 1994. Others highlighted the life-long contribution of AmeriCorps alumni and how members become future civic leaders, public servants, and social entrepreneurs.

“The AmeriCorps program is vital to the growth and prosperity of our Nation. AmeriCorps members can be found in our small towns and in our big cities. They're motivated young men and women from every background imaginable,” said resolution author Doris Matsui (D-CA). “Equally valuable, these men and women are experts in mobilizing local volunteers, allowing millions more to serve their communities in an organized and effectual way.”

Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) stated that, “Volunteerism is a way for Americans to connect to their communities, learn more about the problems facing their communities, and to simply make a difference. This week, we salute current and former AmeriCorps members for their powerful impact, and we thank all community partners who make the AmeriCorps program possible and bring more Americans into service.”

Reflecting on his experience serving in the Peace Corps, Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) noted the long-term effects of intensive national service: “What a wonderful way for these young people to begin to become adults and experience the incredible fulfillment that comes from being of service to others.” Shays shared similar thoughts yesterday at a Brookings Institution forum where the Corporation for National and Community Service released a major new longitudinal study about AmeriCorps’ long-term impacts on members. The study looked at the impacts of AmeriCorps eight years later and finds AmeriCorps builds engaged citizens who are active in their communities and who are significantly more likely to go into public service careers in government and nonprofit sector.

AmeriCorps Week is a recruitment and recognition event designed to bring more Americans into service, salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their powerful impact, and thank the community partners who make AmeriCorps possible. More than 200 events are taking place during AmeriCorps Week including service projects, recruitment fairs, school presentations, alumni gatherings, AmeriCorps-for-a-Day events with elected officials, and awards ceremonies. These events are listed on the AmeriCorps Week website at, along with news, stories, and information about how to join AmeriCorps.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year the Corporation engages more than four million Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service to meet local needs through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs. For more information, visit


Text of H. Res. 1173, Recognizing AmeriCorps Week

Whereas the AmeriCorps national service program, since its inception in 1994, has proven to be a highly effective way to engage Americans in meeting a wide range of local needs, national response directives, and promote the ethic of service and volunteering;

Whereas over $5,000,000,000 in AmeriCorps funds invested in nonprofit, community, educational, and faith-based community groups since 1994 have leveraged hundreds of millions of dollars in additional funds and in-kind donations from other sources;

Whereas each year, AmeriCorps provides opportunities for 75,000 citizens across the Nation to give back in an intensive way to our districts, our States, and our Nation;

Whereas a total of 542,000 citizens since 1994 across the Nation haven taken the AmeriCorps pledge to ``get things done for America' by becoming AmeriCorps members;

Whereas those same individuals have served a total of more than 705,000,000 hours nationwide, helping to improve the lives of our Nation's most vulnerable citizens, protect our environment, contribute to our public safety, respond to disasters, and strengthen our educational system;

Whereas AmeriCorps members last year recruited and supervised more than 1,700,000 community volunteers, demonstrating AmeriCorps value as a powerful volunteer catalyst and force multiplier;

Whereas AmeriCorps members nationwide, in return for their service, have earned nearly $1,430,000,000 to use to further their own educational advancement at our Nation's colleges and universities;

Whereas AmeriCorps members, after their terms of service end, remain engaged in our communities as volunteers, teachers, and nonprofit professional in disproportionately high levels;

Whereas AmeriCorps members served 4,100 nonprofit organizations, schools, and faith-based and community organizations last year; and

Whereas 2008's AmeriCorps Week, observed May 11 through May 18, is an opportune time for the people of the United States to salute current and former AmeriCorps members for their powerful impact, thank all of AmeriCorps' community partners in our Nation who make the program possible and bring more Americans into service: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

(1) encourages all citizens to join in a national effort to salute AmeriCorps members and alumni, and raise awareness about the importance of national and community service;

(2) acknowledges the significant accomplishments of the AmeriCorps members, alumni, and community partners;

(3) recognizes the important contributions to the lives of our citizens by AmeriCorps members; and

(4) encourages citizens of all ages to consider serving in AmeriCorps
