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"We want to be a nation that serves goals larger than self. We've been offered a unique opportunity, and we must not let this moment pass."

- President George W. Bush

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Press Releases & Announcements
Thursday, January 30, 2003

Corporation for National and Community Service
Sandy Scott
202-606-5000 x255

Message on the First Anniversary of USA Freedom Corps

The following is a message from Leslie Lenkowsky, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, congratulating USA Freedom Corps on their first anniversary.

"Earlier today, President Bush spoke to an audience of community leaders, volunteers, Senior Corps and AmeriCorps members, representatives of volunteer service organizations, and young people at the Boys and Girls Club in Washington to mark a significant and historic milestone: the first anniversary of the USA Freedom Corps. The President reiterated his call for every American to devote at least two years of their lives to serving others, and he announced several new initiatives designed to engage more Americans in service to their communities."

"Over the past year, the Corporation has been privileged to have been an integral part of the USA Freedom Corps and its many successes. We congratulate Freedom Corps Director John Bridgeland and his entire team for their tireless efforts to create in our country a new culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility."

"At today's event, the President, as he did in the State of the Union address on Tuesday, again urged Congress to pass the Citizen Service Act to reauthorize and reform the programs of the Corporation. He also announced the following initiatives, which relate directly to our mission (more information on the initiatives below, as well as on today's event, can be found at

  • A new "President's Council on Service and Civic Participation," modeled after the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, which will promote volunteer service and civic participation nationwide, especially among America's youth. The new Council will be housed at the Corporation and will be chaired by former Washington Redskin Darrell Green, co-chaired by former Senators Robert Dole and John Glenn, and include prominent Americans such as professional athletes Cal Ripken and Luis Gonzalez; actors Sean Astin and Dixie Carter; journalist Cokie Roberts; and AOL Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons. Each Council member has made a commitment to participate in service events and activities in the weeks and months ahead.

  • The new "President's Volunteer Service Award," which will be given out annually by the new Council to individuals, organizations, and schools that demonstrate outstanding service to the community. The award builds on and expands the "President's Student Service Award" program, which had been administered by the Corporation's Learn and Serve America office.

  • A new "Volunteer Service Action Priorities" program, which will highlight specific areas of need where volunteers can and are making a big difference in the lives of others. The focus of the first quarter of 2003 is youth achievement, to be followed in the months ahead by parks and open spaces, healthy communities, and homeland security. The Corporation is actively involved in efforts in all those areas.

As part of the current focus on youth development, the President talked about plans to bring mentors to more than a million disadvantaged junior-high students and children of prisoners. To emphasize the importance of that effort, he participated in a roundtable discussion with several current mentors, including AmeriCorps member Lenny Compton of Oakland, Michigan, who two days earlier had been among the honored guests in the First Lady's box during the State of the Union address."

"All these developments demonstrate the President's continuing support for the programs of the Corporation, and his deep belief in the importance and power of an active and engaged citizenry. In a short period of time, the USA Freedom Corps has accomplished a great deal. Some of its key accomplishments-from launching the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network and Web site, to publishing the "Students in Service to America" guidebook, to working with the Bureau of Labor Statistics to create a new benchmark for measuring volunteerism levels among Americans-could not have occurred without the able assistance of many Corporation staff members."

"As a result of all these efforts, interest in our programs has soared. AmeriCorps filled its enrollment goals faster than ever before, more and more schools are recognizing the importance of service and service-learning, and an increasing number of seniors are looking for ways to become connected and give back to their communities."

"In the months and years ahead, we look forward to strengthening our close partnership with USA Freedom Corps. We also look forward to furthering our mission of providing service opportunities for Americans of every age and background, and helping to create a nation of active and engaged citizens."
