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"The great hope of the country lies in the hearts and souls of our people."

- President George W. Bush

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Press Releases & Announcements
Saturday, February 01, 2003

The White House - USA Freedom Corps
Lindsey Kozberg

Highlights of President Bush's 2004 Budget for Federally Supported Service

  • Government cannot legislate compassion for those who are hungry, who are challenged, who are scared, who are adrift, and who doubt the promise of America. But government can help organizations that help our neighbors in need, and it can enlist individuals to help those at risk of losing hope.

  • In his 2004 budget request, President Bush continues to seek support for expanding the important work of Peace Corps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps and AmeriCorps volunteers, and has requested new support for community and faith-based organizations and the millions of volunteers who serve their neighbors and the Nation. He is also proposing new funds to support mentoring as a vitally important area for volunteer service as well as the teaching of American history and civics.

  • As a general matter, the President's budget seeks to restrain growth in government spending at 4 percent. These programs that promote his compassion agenda will benefit from increases in excess of that 4 percent as measured against enacted funding levels for fiscal year 2002, as well as against expected funding levels under the pending fiscal year 2003 spending bills.

    Highlights of the President's budget request for these programs are included below. These materials are primarily excerpts from the Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government.


    From Department of Homeland Security
    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 149)

    "Supporting First Responders
    Nearly three million state and local first responders regularly put their lives on the line to protect the lives of others and make our country safer. The Administration's "First Responder" initiative will provide firefighters, emergency medical services, emergency management agencies, and law enforcement personnel with coordinated training, grants for preparedness equipment, technical assistance, and federal, state, and local joint exercises.

    In 2004, DHS proposes $3.5 billion for this effort-an increase of $3 billion over 2002. This request includes $500 million for grants that provide firefighters with health and safety equipment and vehicles as they prepare to respond to possible future terrorist incidents. The request includes $500 million for state and local law enforcement terrorism prevention initiatives. The funding also supports up to $181 million for the Citizen Corps initiative launched in January 2002. Citizen Corps supports local efforts to engage individuals in helping communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to disasters of all kinds, including terrorist attacks." [emphasis added]

    Additional Support

    The Department of Justice will support Citizen Corps with approximately $15 million in funds requested for the Office of Justice Programs, and the Department of Health and Human Services will support Citizen Corps with approximately $10 million in funds requested for FY 04. Note also that, within the Corporation for National and Community Service budget request, the President has requested $118 million to support grants for organizations working in public safety, public health, disaster response, and disaster preparedness to support Homeland Security - these funds will ultimately support Citizen Corps or like programs at the local level.

    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 297)

    "The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) provides service opportunities for more than 1.5 million Americans through programs such as AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps, also known as Senior Corps. CNCS is a part of the USA Freedom Corps Coordinating Council-the President's initiative to engage Americans in domestic and international volunteer service. The 2004 Budget proposes $962 million, a $200 million, or 26 percent, increase above the level expected to be available when the Congress completes its work on the 2003 Budget. However, if the 2003 appropriation is higher than expected, the Administration will work with the Congress on the 2004 Budget to ensure additional resources are provided to support the President's call to service. The request would support a target enrollment of 75,000 AmeriCorps members, strengthen homeland security efforts that utilize volunteers, and provide service opportunities for 585,000 seniors. The budget also includes support for about 6,800 AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America members to provide outreach and technical assistance to community and faith-based organizations. In addition, the budget provides support for the Learn and Serve America programs.

    National Service and Homeland Security. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, the President's call to service asking Americans to dedicate at least two years of their lives in service to their communities has generated unprecedented interest in AmeriCorps and other service programs. The budget includes $118 million across all CNCS programs to support these efforts and place senior citizens and other volunteers in community activities geared toward strengthening homeland security. CNCS will award grants to support volunteers in public safety, public health, disaster relief, and preparedness.

    Expanding Opportunities for Service. AmeriCorps enables Americans to serve in local communities through programs sponsored by nonprofit organizations. The budget includes $313 million to support AmeriCorps service opportunities. CNCS's programs also will support community and faith-based organizations on a non-discretionary basis in meeting the needs of communities. In addition, the budget includes $212 million to support service opportunities for older Americans to meet a wide range of community needs through the Senior Corps. Senior Corps programs help young people with special needs, help seniors live independently in their homes, and provide support services to youth ex-offenders. Finally, the budget proposes $20 million for Special Volunteer Programs for 40,000 seniors to take part in homeland security activities."


    From Department of State and International Assistance Programs
    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 217)

    "Increasing the Number of Peace Corps Volunteers
    The first American many people around the world meet is a Peace Corps volunteer. The President wants more such volunteer "ambassadors" in the field contributing their skills and initiative to foreign communities. The budget provides $359 million to support 10,000 volunteers by the end of 2004. This increase will keep the Peace Corps on track to reach the President's goal of 14,000 volunteers by 2007. The added funds will open new programs and be targeted to assist host countries and local communities through such activities as business development and prevention of HIV/AIDS. In 2002, Peace Corps began working in East Timor, Peru, Botswana, and Swaziland. In 2003, Peace Corps will set up new programs in Chad, Albania, Azerbaijan, and Fiji."


    From Department of Education
    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 93)

    "Mentoring To help bridge the transition between childhood and adulthood while using citizen service to further engage Americans in public education, the President proposes a new $100 million Mentoring initiative. This initiative would support the development, expansion, and strengthening of exemplary school-based mentoring programs that meet the needs of at-risk middle school students."

    From Department of Health and Human Services
    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 119)

    "Mentoring Children of Prisoners. The President recognizes that, as a group, the more than two million children with parents in prison have more behavioral, health, and educational challenges than the population at large. Mentoring by caring adults can brighten the outlook for these children. Therefore, the budget includes $50 million for competitive grants for this purpose."

    (Fiscal Year 2004 Budget of the U.S. Government, page 302-303)

    "National Endowment for the Humanities
    The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) supports educational and scholarly activities in the humanities, preserves America's cultural and intellectual resources, and provides opportunities for Americans to engage in learning in the humanities. In 2004, the agency will expand the We the People initiative to promote the study of our nation's history, institutions, and culture. NEH also will continue partnerships with state humanities councils; the strengthening of humanities teaching and learning in schools and higher education institutions; efforts to preserve and increase access to brittle books, U.S. newspapers, documents, and other reference materials; and museum exhibitions, documentary media projects, and reading programs in the humanities that reach popular audiences. The budget requests $25 million to support We the People as part of a $152 million request for NEH programs and initiatives." [emphasis added]


    The USA Freedom Corps Coordinating Council and White House office are supported through the administrative budget of the White House. Those funds are in addition to the items highlighted above.


    $1.702 billion
