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UPS senior managers team up with the National Urban League

Best Practice Toolbox

Many people work in offices or factories. At UPS, we work in communities. Our drivers and other employees are among the first to see the world's homeless, under-educated and abused. They also see our future - the people who will become tomorrow's UPS drivers, programmers and customers. That's why company employees around the world collectively donate hundreds of thousands of hours each year to philanthropic causes in their local communities through the Neighbor to Neighbor program. That's why community service is also part of UPS's senior level management development program, the Community Internship Program.  And that’s why each year thousands of UPS employees participate in the UPS Global Volunteer Week.

Through its global giving strategies, The UPS Foundation is helping charitable organizations improve their volunteer management practices. UPS employees also contribute their time and talents to this effort by providing training based on UPS business principles and practices applied to volunteer management. In addition, through the publication of A Guide to Investing in Volunteer Resources Management: Improve Your Philanthropic Portfolio, we are helping other grantmakers understand the value of and invest more strategically in effective volunteerism. You'll find this guide and other helpful tools in our Best Practices Toolbox.

Volunteerism is clearly an essential component of healthy communities. In this section, you'll read how it's also a significant part of life at UPS.

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  Get Involved!
Visit the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network.
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New Grants:
Big Brothers Big Sisters International: $47,110

Pact: $300,000

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)/Girl Guides Association of South Africa: $71,995
  Points of Light
The Points of Light Foundation honored UPS with its national award for excellence in workplace volunteer programs.
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YWCA of Greater Atlanta receives grant to support volunteers from the UPS Foundation.
The grant will support the organization in hiring a full-time volunteer coordinator to recruit and manage volunteers.
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