Your donation will make history.  A donation to the Star-Spangled Banner Campaign helps continue the dramatic transformation of the Museum and creation of new ways to present the objects of our nation's past.  The new gallery for the Star-Spangled Banner is the first of many new exhibitions and educational programs in development that will help us share the stories of America.  

Your tax-deductible financial contribution will help us to preserve, protect, and display America's treasures for you and future generations.

Gifts can be made in honor or memory of a loved one.

Please select a donation amount:
Other: $
Minimum payment: $1
Maximum payment: $25000

New payment option: Use the recurring payment option below to donate smaller, more wallet-friendly installments every month. This option is a great way to provide continuous support to the Museum.

This payment will repeat on a monthly recurrence for the next 12 months. You may cancel at any time.
Complete the following to make your payment:
* Required field


Do you want to make this gift in honor of someone? Fill out the optional fields below.

Send acknowledgements to:


For more information contact the Office of External Affairs by email.