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Pair of Tap Shoes
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The Gettysburg Address

November 21, 2008–January 11, 2009, Second floor east: Albert H. Small Documents Gallery
Visit the Online Exhibition On View

Lincoln's short address at Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 1863, became one of the most famous and eloquent speeches in American history. The manuscript that will be on view in the Museum’s new Albert H. Small Documents Gallery is one of five drafts, the last known to have been written in Lincoln’s hand. Penned in March 1864 for an anthology to raise funds for the Union, it was kept by one of the book’s publishers, Alexander Bliss, and was auctioned in 1949. Oscar Cintas, a former Cuban ambassador, purchased it and, on his death in 1957, he asked that it be placed in the White House collection. There it is usually displayed on a corner desk in the upstairs Lincoln bedroom, which is not on public tours. With the generous support of Mrs. Laura Bush, the White House is loaning this copy of the Gettysburg Address for a very limited public viewing.

Please note: photography is not permitted in the Albert H. Small Documents Gallery.
Online Exhibition
President Abraham Lincoln's short address at the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, battlefield is one of the most eloquent political speeches in American history. Its inspiring message remains as meaningful today as when first delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery on November 19, 1863.  Read about the history of the Address, the White House copy of the document, and watch a video about the restoration of the Lincoln Bedroom, where the artifact is normally housed. Visit Web site

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More Lincoln Exhibitions and Events at the Smithsonian
El pronunciamiento de Gettysburg (.pdf)
Smithsonian National Museum of American History