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2008 HSIAC 10th Anniversary Conference Participants List and Presentations
Posted January 8, 2009
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January 12-14, 2009
Baltimore, MD
Deal-making: Planning and Financing
January 14-16, 2009
Baltimore, MD
Partnerships and Resource Development
March 25-27, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Through Higher Education

Welcome to the Office of University Partnerships

The Office of University Partnerships (OUP) facilitates the formation of campus-community partnerships through sharing information about community partnership development, in general, and about OUP's various funded programs. Our website provides many helpful resources, including funding, research, news, events, technical assistance, and highlights of campus-community activities nationwide.

OUP is committed to helping colleges and universities join with their neighbors to address urban problems—partnerships that enable students, faculty, and neighborhood organizations to work together to revitalize the economy, generate jobs, and rebuild healthy communities.

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Diversity Works Diversity Works-Volume 3, Issue 2 Diversity Works Diversity Works-Volume 3, Issue 1
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Focus-Volume 2, Issue 2
Research in Focus Research in
Focus-Volume 2, Issue 1

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Last updated: Thursday, January 08, 2009 Back to Top Link: Back to Top
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