Wounded Warrior Project

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Wounded Warrior Project would like to extend its thanks to Jarden Corporation for its continued support of Wounded Warrior Project, WWP programs and services, and wounded veterans everywhere.


Jarden Corporation is a leading provider of niche consumer products used in and around the home. Jarden operates in three primary business segments through a number of well recognized brands. Headquartered in Rye, N.Y., Jarden has over 25,000 employees worldwide.


Featured News


    November 13, 2008 - “I can't tell the story without breaking up,” Vietnam veteran Bud Willis, 67, said of one painful yet inspiring encounter in the Vietnam War. “That moment changed my life.” 


    In 1966, late in his 14-month tour, Willis was assigned to provide air support for Marines by flying the wounded out of combat areas. An emotionally challenging job, he quickly learned to look straight ahead when picking up injured soldiers. 


    Jacksonville, FL (December 8, 2008) – Wounded Warrior Project (WWP), a non-profit organization whose mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors, applauds President-elect Barack Obama’s announcement that he has chosen retired Gen. Eric Shinseki to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

    “WWP offers its enthusiastic support for the selection of Gen. Shinseki, a soldier’s soldier and himself a wounded warrior, to head VA at this time of critical challenge,” said John Melia, Wounded Warrior Project Executive Director and Founder.  "The selection of an individual with Gen. Shinseki’s distinguished record, courage and integrity sends a strong message to our nation's wounded warriors and their families that the incoming administration takes seriously the commitment to care for our defenders.”



  • Getting Wounded Warriors Back on TRACK

    SOURCE: IAVA.org Blog by Ray Kimbel


    Louis Csoka has spent his entire life learning what it means to be a leader, from the days his family had to flee from Hungary to his graduation from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1965. As a young Captain and Company Commander in Vietnam, Louis learned what it meant to literally lead under fire. He was wounded in combat, for which he was awarded the Purple Heart, yet still found the will to lead his men through the firefight.He took those lessons home to West Point and, as a Professor of Leadership, taught young cadets what it meant to be a leader in tough situations and how to earn the right to lead others who volunteer to serve.


  • Schoodic Peninsula Welcomes A Dozen “Wounded Warriors”

    nationalparkservicelogo_001.jpgWINTER HARBOR — As a radio repairman in Iraq, Chris Litchard regularly rode in Marine convoys, but the explosion that severely injured his legs happened on base. "A mortar landed 10 feet from me right outside our barracks,” said Litchard, 30, of Watsontown, Pa. The exploding shell caused severe tissue damage — chunks of his calf muscles are missing, broke both bones in his right leg, and led to other problems that required recent knee replacement surgery. 


  • TRICARE and Medicare Work Together for Eligible "Under 65" Beneficiaries
    tricare_logo2.gifFALLS CHURCH, Va. – TRICARE beneficiaries who receive a disability check – listen up. TRICARE officials want to ensure that beneficiaries receive the TRICARE coverage to which they are entitled.

    In general, most beneficiaries become eligible for Medicare at age 65.  However, many beneficiaries under age 65 also qualify for Medicare and there is one critical fact they need to know.

     To view the full news release, please click here.

  • WWP and Concurrent Technologies Corporation Announce Web-Based System for Veteran Disability Rating

    Jacksonville, FL (October 10, 2008) – Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) and Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) today announced the rollout of a new web-based system to assist in the veteran disability rating process for the severely injured returning from the current conflicts. “This new system will immediately help us ensure the accuracy of every veteran disability claim that we work on,” said John Roberts, National Service Director for Wounded Warrior Project. “It performs disability calculations, checks the Code of Federal Regulations for veterans’ benefits, and makes sure that all aspects of a disability rating are considered.”


  • National Park Service announces support

    nationalparkservicelogo_001.jpgWASHINGTON, DC – The National Park Service will provide enhanced programs and services for injured military members through a partnership established today with Wounded Warrior Project.

    In a ceremony held at the Lincoln Memorial, National Park Service Director Mary A. Bomar and Wounded Warrior Project Executive Director and Founder John Melia signed an agreement to develop opportunities to help severely injured military members mend physically, mentally, and spiritually in parks. 


  • Symposium touts treatment center for returning vets

    JeremyFeldbusch_thumb.jpgThe Tribune-Democrat - Johnstown,PA,USA

    Despite blindness and brain damage from enemy mortar fire in Iraq, Sgt. Jeremy Feldbusch has rallied to become a leading advocate for wounded soldiers.


    But some days, his mother said, the Wounded Warrior Project’s co-founder still needs help that will be available in a new state-of-the-art treatment center for severely injured soldiers to be located in Upper Yoder Township…

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American Veterans with Brain Injuries (AVBI) is a grassroots effort, whose mission is to offer support to brain injured American Veterans and their families or caregivers. They offer support through their web site, on line forum, live chat, advocacy, and public awareness. This web site offers personal stories, resources, and announcements of services available to these American Veterans. The AVBI on line forum is designed for questions to be asked and information shared. The AVBI live chat and peer advocacy offers personal support. The AVBI Blog hopes to bring public awareness to the many difficult issues that plague the brain injured veteran and their families.
Caring Bridge

CaringBridge® offers free personalized websites that allow people to stay in touch with family and friends during a health crisis, treatment and recovery. The goal of the service is to ease the burden of keeping friends and family updated, while also providing a way for them to send their love, support and encouragement.


Create your CaringBridge Website!

MorganFranklin Corporation


Wounded Warrior Project would like to extend its thanks to Jarden Corporation for its continued support of Wounded Warrior Project, WWP programs and services, and wounded veterans everywhere.


Jarden Corporation is a leading provider of niche consumer products used in and around the home. Jarden operates in three primary business segments through a number of well recognized brands. Headquartered in Rye, N.Y., Jarden has over 25,000 employees worldwide.



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