Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund

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The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund provides financial assistance and quality of life solutions to:

  • OEF/OIF Marines and Sailors injured in combat, training, or with life threatening illnesses
  • Their families- to help defray the expenses incurred during hospitalization, rehabilitation, and recovery
  • Other OEF/OIF service members injured while in direct support of Marine units and their families
  • Help with expenses associated with the purchase of specialized equipment, adaptive vans or vehicles, and handicap home purchases and/or modifications

Established in May 2004, the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization that has provided over 11,000 grants totaling over $26 million in assistance to our Nation's OEF/OIF wounded heroes and families. This assistance helps with immediate financial needs and perpetuating needs, such as modified transportation, home modifications, and specialized equipment.

The IMSFF is committed to the good stewardship of the monies entrusted to us by the American people to provide supplemental assistance to our OEF/OIF Marines, Sailors, and their families as they face their road to recovery. We have consistently maintained our Program expenses at 90%, or above, all expenses. The needs continue to be great; all donations large and small help us continue to move this noble mission forward.

tsf_nations angel_horse d_lasko_dog GySgt Traub and his family roy_van

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