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Children often go through a feeling of no longer belonging in the aftermath of the death of a parent, sibling, aunt, uncle or loved one.  Other children at school and your community may not have ever experienced a loss of this manner, leaving a child to feel alone; as if they are the only ones who have experienced such a loss. When they can connect with other children with shared experiences, they feel comfort in knowing they are not alone and relief in sharing with others who truly know what they are going through as they have been there themselves.

TAPS reaches out to the youngest survivors with care and compassion.  Through our resources, networks, regional and national seminars, children are allowed to share and express themselves as they feel comfortable.  They are accepted and given the opportunity to know there are other children that have the same fears, the same feelings and have experienced a similar loss. 

To surviving spouses with children; TAPS offers a range of resources, a network of other spouses and services to help your children cope with this sudden loss and change to their young lives. 

Through our peer groups, resources and support services, TAPS stands ready to provide you with compassion and care.  Our hearts go out to you and TAPS takes great care in supporting you and honoring your loved ones..

You can find more information on our website under the following:

© 2009 TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Inc., Tax ID# 92-0152268

1777 F Street , NW, 6th Floor Washington D.C. 20006