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Home » Grief Support Sevices



The TAPS survivor outreach program is put into action with our annual TAPS National and Regional Military Survivor Seminars and Good Grief Camps.  Each event provides an opportunity to join together with survivors for a powerful time of support, care and hope!  These conferences provide you with a wealth of information, resources and personal contact with fellow survivors in a spirit of friendship and understanding.  You can attend workshops designed to help you heal and cope with life after loss.  We have gentle, supportive discussions allowing you to share and discover that you are not alone.  We travel to special events and conduct memorial tributes, allowing us to honor our loved ones as we connect with others to find hope and healing.  Join us as we ‘Remember the Love, Celebrate the Life and Share the Journey!’

A Survivor Seminar Focus

  • Meeting others from the region and discovering that we are not alone in our grief and finding in sharing our sadness we could lessen our pain.
  • Learning about grief and traumatic loss from the very best experts and developing an understanding of how we can best cope and find comfort.
  • Sharing with others in peer based support groups for all who are grieving, including widows, parents, siblings, significant others and all who are touched forever by their loss.
  • Establishing a plan to move forward with support and care, including local area gatherings and participation in national programs.

View Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp Schedule



“The first year I attended the TAPS convention and allowed the children to go to the Good Grief Camp – it was for all of us to heal.  The amazingly positive experience for the children is what is drawing us back….I will continue to make attending the camp a priority each year for the children whenever possible.  It is THAT special.”  - Lisa Moehling, TAPS Surviving Spouse

TAPS offers regional and national Good Grief Camps to children and teens; providing them with a safe and supportive atmosphere to conduct activities and have opportunities to learn coping skills, establish and identify support systems and create awareness that they are not alone in the grief of their loved one.   Children and teens meet others of their own age group to share and learn, together.

A Day at the TAPS Good Grief Camp

  • TAPS Good Grief Camp Team Leaders will conduct a day of activities for children of all ages, providing a safe place to learn about grief, share feelings, express emotions and heal young hearts.
  • Children will meet others their own age who are also grieving and have the chance, in facilitated groups, to learn that they are not alone in their feelings.
  • Through special activities we call “grief work,” the children will have fun while discovering how to cope with the pain they are experiencing.
    The children will end the day by creating a network of care to lean on as they move forward.

© 2009 TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Inc., Tax ID# 92-0152268

1777 F Street , NW, 6th Floor Washington D.C. 20006