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Military Ministry

Spiritual Solutions for Combat Trauma

The reality of war is that everyone gets wounded. Some wounds heal rapidly, but some last for a lifetime. Some wounds can be seen. Some wounds are invisible inside the heart, soul, and spirit of the warrior. These unseen wounds are often the most difficult to heal - they must heal from the inside out.


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Winning the “Long War”

The Global War on Terror

The global war on terror did not begin on 9/11. The spiritual war going on in parallel is as clear cut an example of good battling evil as we may see in our lifetimes. Read more…

“God & War”: Faith under Fire >
Where is God in tragedy? >
PTSD Ministry >


A Leader's Voice

PTSD and Military Ministry’s response

Our Military Ministry journey regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) started about a year ago when a number of Army couples gathered in our headquar­ters and related how PTSD had become the primary issue in their lives.
We asked ourselves: Who’s helping these and other families affected by PTSD? We discovered that while many government and [...]

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